Opening Metal Detecting Season of 2012 in New York, page 1
Taking Advantage of Snowless Winter to Treasure Hunt in Upstate New York in February
by Sergei Upstateny, date published:

This story describes metal detecting outings in Upstate New York that were spontaneously organized upon my arrival to the Albany area in February of 2012. My story consists of two parts. First part covers one hunt with my old buddy Rodney with whom I searched for a fort site in Stone Arabia, Town of Palatine, Montgomery County, and the second part covers the outing with Tim Myers, another old treasure hunting buddy of mine, with whom I visited a former homestead site in Petersburg Township, Rensselaer county.
General Map Of New York State
TABLE of Contents:
- Part I - Metal Detecting with Rodney in Stone Arabia - page 1
- Part II - Metal Detecting with Tim Myers in Petersburg Township - page 8
Part I - Metal Detecting with Rodney in Stone Arabia
Flying to New York
It was in the middle of an off-season period at the end of January when I began feeling mentally tired researching volumes of historical books and old maps in order to pinpoint new metal detecting sites, and counting the days towards a new metal detecting season. I realized that I badly needed a break and a temporary "change in surroundings" to cleanse my mind so that I could generate new ideas.
Exactly at that moment and to my surprise, I received a phone call from my old treasure hunting buddy Rodney in Upstate New York. As soon as I heard his familiar voice, I knew what I was about to do next. Within seconds, I made a simple plan: to visit my old friends in the Upstate NY and get them together to celebrate my birthday in February. And I finally managed to find the best birthday gift for myself - a whole month of fun in America!
Booking a flight ticket was not a problem, and it was the year's cheapest time to fly anywhere in the world, so, in a few days - in the beginning of February, I flew out of the snowed North-Eastern Europe.
Flying Over Baltic Sea
Flying Over Finland