How To Search Former Homestead Sites Located in Remote Areas, page 9
Metal Detecting Strategy for 'Hunted Out' Site with Cellar Holes
(...CONTINUED from Previous Page)
E) Outskirts of the site, which include the areas outside the site's perimeter outlined by the stone walls, and along the brooks that flow nearby.
The site's outskirts always yield a variety of valuable finds besides coins. And these areas are easy to search as they do not content a lot of trash. All you have to do is just to be patient searching the area for a good solid signal. This half of the 1812 War artillery 2nd regiment Cap Plate was recovered at the brook's bank:

When you come across the "hot" spot and start finding a few coins, buttons, etc., first "hammer" the spot in a "spiral search pattern", i.e. sweep your search coil while circling around a hole of the last recovered target and widening the search area with each new circle. After you deplete the spot of all good signals, begin working on the bad ones - dig up the iron targets and then recover more coins that were buried under them. And you better use the "Scan Deeper Layers" technique (described on previous page) to get more good stuff!
If you stay disciplined and search the former homestead sites systematically, one at a time, you will experience the same thrill of valuable discoveries as the thrill the pioneers of metal detecting experienced back in the 1970s! You will unearth the same or larger amount of coins and other valuables at these same hunt sites!
If you have developed your own productive metal detecting technique for searching Cellar Holes and would like to share it with everybody, please e-mail me your info with pictures, and I will post them here! Any comments also are welcome!
I'm Standing Next To Woodstock Historical Society Plaque, 2014
Treasure Hunting in Upstate New York
Happy Hunting!
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In January of 2020, I started a one-time fund-raising campaign in attempt to accumulate enough money to buy a simple but reliable 4x4 vehicle. My old 4x4 car (made in 1995) had faithfully served me for 10 years before it eventually went beyond repair last October. Without a 4WD, I will not be able to get to my hunt sites and test-plots hidden in the remote wooded areas inaccessible by a regular car.
Unlucky for me, those sites are the only locations available and suitable for my field-work which results in informative articles you can find on this website. For the past 10 years, my usual field-work has consisted of field-testing the latest metal detectors and accessories, experimenting with some of them, and devising new effective search methods that meet the requirements of the new metal detecting reality.
Before my car died, I managed to finish a couple of interesting detector-testing projects which will be covered in my upcoming articles. But other equally important projects that I was working on were not completed and had to be postponed until the Spring 2020. I hope that this fund-raising campaign will help me get a decent 4x4 by then so that I will be able to resume my work and to write more new articles, tutorials and guides based on data gathered through testing and experimentation.
If you find my website useful and would like it to provide more essential info for you and other detectorists worldwide, please consider chipping in $5, $20, $50 or whatever you can afford to keep growing in 2020. I promise you, it will be money well spent. Thank you.
DonateSources: Our Vanishing Landscape by Eric Sloane, Detectorist by Robert H. Sickler
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