XP Deus Operation: Fast-Switch Between Customized Search Programs
Advantages in Switching Between Search Programs With One Click of A Button
by Sergei Upstateny
proficiency level: Expert, date published: ; last time modified:

During your detecting session with the wireless XP Deus metal detector (detector de metal), you can fast switch back and forth between the search programs by pressing the "+" or "-" (minus) navigation buttons on the remote controller (as shown on a picture below).

The only requirement you need to meet is that all participating search programs must be organized in sequence in the Deus' PROGRAM menu.
This convenient one-click transfer to a different XP Deus search program gives you a great advantage in increasing time efficiency in the field when you need to:
1) fast fine-tune your Deus to detect certain desirable targets under current metal detecting conditions at the hunt site: instead of changing one setting at a time in one program, you can set up a different combination of settings in each of participating search programs, and, as you switch quickly between two or three programs while observing the effects on detector's responses to actual targets, you will spend less time determining the most effective combination of settings.
2) promptly switch to a different pre-set search program to ensure optimal performance of your Deus as you encounter changes in mineral and/or trash intensities at the hunt site, especially the one that has never been plowed.
The most adverse case of the iron trash intensity change involves a few highly concentrated "pockets" of rusty hand-wrought nails with large "rose heads" present at the site. And the levels of Conventional Discrimination (not Tonal Discrimination), Reactivity and a few other settings should be adjusted accordingly.
The most common case of the mineral intensity change involves sporadic magnetic mineralization at the sites of former human settlements. This type of mineralization manifests itself through highly concentrated "pockets" of slag and/or coke. The levels of the Ground Balance, Sensitivity and Conventional Discrimination must be changed to silence the detector's responses to the above-mentioned unwanted materials, and sometimes to some types of bricks and pottery.
The ground mineralization level does not change abruptly at the former settlement sites located in the plowed fields because all cultural layers and "mineral pockets" have been mixed up and spread around by plows over many years.
Metal detecting conditions at the hunt site may also be affected by the following factors: availability of desirable targets (status "virgin" or "pounded"), time duration of former human activities, current agricultural activity or absence of it, presence of vegetation or lack of it, and a level of moisture in soil. If you know type(s) of targets sought and what metal detecting conditions you may encounter during your search, you can create additional search programs in advance.
3) check, clarify or confirm the conductive properties of "questionable" targets before or instead of digging them up: this is usually done "on the fly" when you are in the process of learning your detector's responses to partially masked targets.
Special attention should be paid to deep targets that induce audio responses but are not indicated by VDI numbers (see details on "XP Deus Profile Feature" page of my article "XP Deus Settings and Modes Explained").
Later on, as you familiarize yourself with your detector's responses to various targets through both Air (Bench) Testing and actual detecting, you will be able to decipher the questionable signals by ear because the Deus is a 'tonal' metal detector allowing you to hear differences between "good" and "bad" questionable signals. All you have to do is to memorize the sound characteristic of most frequent questionable signals, both good and bad, and try to stick to the same tone pitches if you use 3- or 4-tone Discrimination. Also select a reasonable Iron Level not to mistake small deep targets for small iron pieces.
NOTE: In the v3.0 and subsequent versions, there are 8 additional Memory slots for saving customized search programs (page 22 of the Deus v3.0 User's Manual). A user can now create and save (Option --> Program --> Save) the programs in any convenient sequence for fast access without making changes to the factory-preset search programs (now 10 of them!).
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You may want to visit my other pages with helpful info on the XP Deus metal detector and its accessories:
- My Review on XP Deus
- XP Deus' Features, Specifications and Other Users' Reviews
- XP Deus' Settings, Features and Modes Explained (v2.0, v3.0 and subsequent versions)
- XP Deus Air Test and Sergei's 100-Target VDI Chart for US Coins and Relics
- How To Decipher XP Deus' Ambiguous Audio Responses To Targets
- How To Double Up Your XP Deus
- Practicality of XP Deus' Emergency Field Charger
- My Review on DetectorPro Grey Ghost Headphones for XP Deus
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