Part I - Metal Detecting at the Swedish Tavern Site, page 8

1st Hunt - "Hammering" the Site with Minelab Explorer II, White's DFX and Tesoro Cortes

In the last week of October, after many days of continuous rain, my metal detecting buddy Nikolai and I finally got a window of opportunity - a nice and dry day for metal detecting at the promising location. The site of a tavern was located 10 miles away from the city of Kingisepp at the end of the abandoned field overgrown with tall grass. To our pleasant surprise, the field was partially mowed by the local peasants.

Metal Detecting Site of the Swedish Tavern (Krog)

Metal Detecting Location

My buddy and I were joined by my friend Bobby from Pleasant Valley, New York. He came to St. Petersburg from Greece on a business trip for a few days and was very eager to try his luck with a metal detector.

I equipped Bobby with my old good Tesoro Cortes - the easiest detector to use, and explained him what to do at this particular location. Nikolai detected with White's DFX, and I was using my "working horse" - Minelab Explorer II.

Bobby Was Fast To Learn the Basics

Bobby Is Learning How to Metal Detect

Before arriving to the site, we were afraid that the tall grass at this abandoned field would make metal detecting extremely difficult for us, but now we had a huge clearing to check for coin signals. I only wished it was not so far from the road originally built by the Swedes in the 17th century.

Nikolai began detecting at the farthest corner of the accessible area. I was about to take the spot at the middle point between Nikolai and Bobby, but when I saw Bobby standing in one position over the dug hole for too long, I knew he needed help.

Bobby Metal Detecting

Surprisingly, Bobby did not have any problem with operating a metal detector. But he had a hard time pinpointing the target and locating it in the dirt plug. I totally forgot to show him the technique for recovering the targets!

Recovering the First Target

After I armed Bobby with the "know-how" (you can read about a simple recovery technique here) he quickly recovered a fragment of the WW2 artillery projectile - his first metal detecting find! Yes, it was just an iron junk, so what? Like I always say in cases like this, "your metal detector has just proved it works!"

Iron Junk Dug Up