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+ features, specifications, prices and images of all ultra-lightweight metal detectors on today's market
Listed in this section are the high-tech professional metal detectors characterized by ultra-light weight of below 2.3 lbs. (slightly above 1 kg)
Above is a list of the Ultra-Lightweight Metal Detectors available on the market today. You will be able to read Reviews and Ratings given by real users, compare Features, Specifications and Prices of ultra lightweight metal detectors, and see their Images - all information to help you choose the right metal detector for your treasure hunting projects.
Please do not hesitate to contribute by leaving a review if you have already used any detector listed above. Your opinion would be of a great value to many hobby enthusiasts!
Plus, this is a great opportunity for you to let the manufacturer of your metal detector know what improvements should be made to ensure the most effective search. All metal detector manufacturers read these reviews regularly!
Helpful Information
by Sergei UpstateNY, last time modified:

With their "weightless", rugged and ergonomic design combined in up-to-date advanced technology, the ultra-lightweight professional metal detectors have gained high popularity among all classes of metaldetectorists, both young and old enthusiasts, including semi-pro relic hunters, competition hunters and renown veterans of treasure hunting.
If you have made your choice of a metal detector but are not sure how to proceed further, you may want to read my article on:
How To Select and Buy A Metal Detector
and learn what to do before buying the machine.
If you would like to visit any particular metal detector manufacturer's website, you can find its link on my link-directory page:
Websites of All Manufacturers of Metal Detectors Worldwide
MY ADVISE: If you do not find the manufacturer's name on that page, it means that I could not find any reliable information on that manufacturer and its products, or the manufacturer is known for producing either gimmicks based on outdated technology or feeble semblances of reputable metal detectors, or its metal detectors are poorly built from cheap materials in Southeast Asia or Eastern Europe. Or the manufacturer simply ceased production. If you are still in doubt, try to do your own research, but you should definitely check the well known, tested, proven and trusted brands first!
Happy Treasure Hunting!