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Electronic Probes are designed to reduce recovery time of detected targets and, therefore, minimize unnecessary digging.
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by Sergei UpstateNY, last time modified:

On the today's market, there are the following four classes of electronic probes/pinpointers/mini metal detectors: (1) Pulse Induction (PI) hand-held pinpointers of a conventional type, (2) VLF (Very Low Frequency) conventional hand-held pinpointers, (3) PI aquatic underwater hand-held pinpointers, and (4) detector-mounted VLF inline probes (officially discontinued in 2017 but can still be found for sale online). Pinpointers of the first class are considered the most advanced.
A modern electronic probe or pinpointer is a hand-held or detector-mounted device that is quite effective in locating coins and small artifacts inside dug holes, dirt plugs and in piles of dirt and sand displaced from the dug holes during target recovery. Using the pinpointer substantially reduces the target recovery time. The pinpointer also helps a detectorist avoid any accidental damaging of valuable targets with a digging tool or shovel, identify multiple objects in near proximity, and search in tight interior areas such as walls, closets, large furniture and ceilings. If used as a utility device, the electronic probe can locate metal pipes, control boxes, rebar and conduit, and locate electrical wires, metal wall studs and nails in homes.
If you would like to know more about electronic pinpointers and learn how to use them with maximum efficiency, you may want to read "My Pinpointers" section which includes a few practical operational tips:
Electronic Probes and Pinpointers