Rust Removal by Electrolysis - A Detailed Illustrated Tutorial, page 38
9. Photos of Derusted Relics and Artifacts Before and After Electrolysis
Below are the "Before and After" photos of some iron relics and artifacts that underwent all steps of the electrolytic removal of rust described in this tutorial.
I chose these images to show you how well electrolysis remove rust from any kind of iron artifacts that had been underground for a few centuries. And it does not matter whether it is a bog iron or a hardened steel tool, the electrolysis does an equally good job in each case.
Small Iron Artefacts Before Undergoing Electrolysis
Same Artefacts After Being De-Rusted with Electrolysis
Dug Rusty Bloom, circa 16th-17th Century, Forged Out of Bog Iron
The Same Bloom After Being De-Rusted by Electrolysis
Note that no surface detail can be distinguished, with no nails or their holes visible.
Dug Rusty Horseshoes (with other relics), circa 15th-17th Century
Same Horseshoes After Being Cleaned with Electrolysis