Photo Galleries of Coin Finds
Images of US Coins, Soviet and Russian Coins, and Coins from Other Countries
The below listed photo galleries show some of my coin finds representing larger groups of coins that I recovered with a metal detector in different parts of the world in the late 1990s and early 2000s.
In Brief:
by Sergei UpstateNY, last time modified:

Because of the trade, commerce, and other economic, political and social eventsthat took place in history, coins of all kinds travelled across the globe and wound upat different locations to be found with metal detectors later.
Similar cases in the North-East US include recoveries of Spanish Silver Reales, British Coppers and British, French and German silver coins, ca. 18th century, and even Swedish Coppers, ca. 17th century, and, of course, Chinese coins (images of all mentioned coins can be seen in my 'World Coins' photo gallery).
The Chinese coins ended up in the US in big quantities in mid-1800s. The explanationfor this is very simple. The American merchants started importing the woven basketsfrom China around that time. The center-holed coins were attached to the basketsfor decoration.
A few coins shown in my 'World Coins' photo gallery were minted in some European, Eastern European, and Asian countries to which I have not travelled yet but managed to unearth their specie representatives in areas where I least expected them to be discovered.
If you would like to obtain coin values and numismatic information on American coinage, please visit USA Coins page in the Numismatic Corner section.