The Truth About XP Deus, page 3

3. The Biggest Market for XP Deus

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If you are wondering why XP transformed the Deus platform into a gold-prospecting one (HF coils) instead of improving the Deus coin/relic hunting platform V3.2 (Legacy LF coils), the answer is simple. Traditional coin/relic hunters only make approximately 18% (if not less) of the market. The profit-bringing 82% of the market comprise a few different categories of detectorists.

According to people affiliated with XP Metal Detectors, the largest category consists of artisanal gold miners and prospectors in Africa, the Middle East and Asia where there is a huge market for the XP Deus - much bigger than the rest of the gold detector market put together worldwide! And it has had the highest demand for the Deus and its minimal core "basic" version - the $450-$680 gold-prospecting XP Depar DPR 600 (released to the African/Middle Eastern market in 2016). Sales of both models have been skyrocketing, and the profit margins must be astounding!

Since the numbers drive development, and the sales worldwide drive the updates, who at XP Metal Detectors would seriously care about some Joe Schmo in Upstate New York wanting the multi-frequency operation in his Deus or at least the easy-replaceable batteries in the standard LF (black) coils! The real money is in Africa, not in Upstate New York! Besides, the US market for the XP Deus is a drop in the bucket when it comes to worldwide sales.

Other categories of the Deus V4.1-V5.X users in the "82% Club" are the following: gold nugget hunters in Australia, coin and non-ferrous relic hunters in the UK who search for hammered coins as small as 6 mm in diameter at the challenging Roman and Celtic sites, and beach hunters searching for tiny jewelry on the DRY-SAND beaches.

But do not get me wrong. Among those in the "18% Club", there are of course the Deus users - meteorite hunters and those searching for non-ferrous relics at trashy and/or highly mineralized sites. They are happy with the versions 4.1-5.2 operating with the HF and X35 LF coils for which their local metal detecting conditions are favorable. And there are enthusiasts who got enough extra money to buy more XP coils, and believe that if they keep upgrading the firmware and play with high frequencies, they can achieve better results.

Well, I happened to be none of the above. And I can assure you that, with implementation of the version 3.2 and the 18 kHz operating frequency, the find rate for small coins and artifacts can be increased by using proper detecting techniques and optimized settings rather than switching between high frequencies while hoping that these frequencies would somehow improve the Deus' performance.

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