The Truth About XP Deus, page 4

4. Two Obvious Reasons Behind 1-Year Delay in V4.0 Release

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The first obvious reason why the V4.0 update was awaited for almost a year was that XP was not just designing a new coil - the HF coil, they were designing a new metal detector - the gold prospecting one! Then they had to adapt the remote controller's interface to work primarily with the new HF white coils/detectors and the MI-6 probe, and lastly with the old LF black coils/detectors.

In other words, the firmware functions had to be optimized not only for the coin/relic detector (LF black coils), but also for the gold-nugget machine (HF white coils) - this is not an easy-to-optimize combination! And, unluckily for regular coin/relic hunters using the LF coils, the entire firmware platform was improved in favor of the gold prospecting detector.

Since the HF coils were created to operate at higher transmitting frequencies, and only for detecting the tiny low-conductors on surface or at depths within a few inches, the Ground function was completely redesigned accordingly. Unfortunately for some former V3.2 users - those implementing the 4 - 18 kHz frequency range, the Ground function's compatibility with the highly sensitive HF coils was optimized at the cost of stable Ground Balance for the LF black coils.

The second reason why the V4.0 update was not released for so long was simple: the XP engineers encountered numerous bugs in the freshly created firmware after they had added new features to it eventually going overboard with making the Deus awfully versatile. But a failure to make an overcomplicated firmware BUG-FREE on a first attempt was inevitable. And it usually takes a long while to sort out the buggy software through tedious recoding and testing it; thus, also increasing its cost.

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