XP GoldMaxx Power, page 2
My Review: Key Features of GMP, and Tips for Beginner-Users
(...CONTINUES from Previous Page)

and a Control Box Affixed under a Middle Shaft
The GoldMaxx Power performed so well at the "searched-out" hunt sites as if it was designed specifically for "vacuuming" such hunt sites to the last signal. Engineers from the XP Metal Detectors put a simple concept into the GMP: a tonal 'turn-on-and-go' metal detector that can indicate a good signal with distinctive sound pattern while responding to a small desirable target which is in close proximity to iron or partially masked by it. Such an outstanding capability is achieved mainly by employing a combination of the following features: high operating frequency of 18 kHz, fast recovery speed (Reactivity) and absence of NON-FERROUS Discrimination.
Detecting Hammered Coins Masked by Nails
The XP engineers really came up with a 'lucky combination' of features enabling the GMP users to cope with today's challenging metal detecting reality. The high 18 kHz frequency provides high sensitivity to small and low-conductive coins such as the thin-sectioned hammereds, billon and milled coins, and many other undersized and thin-sectioned targets that are difficult to detect. Fast Reactivity provides effective target separation - separation of audio responses to desirable non-ferrous targets from responses to the surrounding iron trash. Absence of non-ferrous Discrimination allows greater Detecting Depth Range. To identify iron objects that may sound off with a higher tone pitch - "iron falsing", if not rejected or partially rejected, the engineers incorporated the Iron Volume feature. To minimize falsing of large iron objects and various interferences, they added the Silencer feature controlled by a switch.
Just four control knobs - 'Sensitivity', 'Iron Threshold' (Iron Discrimination), 'Ground' (minimizes effects of mineralization) and 'Iron Volume' (also 'Iron Level' - volume of the low iron tone), and the 'Silencer' switch on the GMP control panel allow an operator to quickly optimize the detector's performance "on the fly" according to any ground conditions! Simplicity is the key here, especially when an innovative concept is disguised by an old-fashion control panel! The control panel is shown on a picture above, and a built-in speaker is duct-taped over for protection against dust and moisture.
To speed up the search process, any visual Target ID indication is excluded. This allows the detector's microprocessor to handle all incoming Target ID information faster. And if to add here a proven fact that the detectorist's brain registers and comprehends incoming information in any Audio form much faster than in any Visual form, fast processing of information by electronic and human brains combined allows for quicker decision making and, therefore, higher time efficiency in the field.
After I purchased the wireless XP WS3 headphones for the GMP, they increased time efficiency in the field even more. With the wireless headphones, it was possible to cover any search area faster than with the wired headphones because the target-recovery time was minimized by the detectorist's better maneuverability around target spots, and without the headphone cable getting in the way.
The around-ear cushions of the XP WS3 headphones provided maximum comfort and blocked out ambient noises. Also, because these headphones provided high quality sound, and the exterior sounds did not interfere, more nuances in audio patterns of responses to the small targets at intermediate depths could be heard and, therefore, the rate 'number of good targets : amount of targets dug' noticeably improved. The time efficiency at any hunt site was excellent.
However, not everything was okay-dokey with the XP GoldMaxx Power metal detector of the initial version. Its stem-assembly design incorporated a 3-piece, S-shaped shaft which had a few significant flaws. These flaws and ways of dealing with them are described in details in my article: Flaws in GMP's Body Design
These flaws emanated from the design concept itself as the early GMP detectors were designed primarily for a hip-mounted operation; hence long cables of GMP search coils. The XP engineers decided to make the GMP an ultralight-weight machine by means of hip-mounting the control box; however, the GMP's weight (3.4lbs = 1.55 kg) is not a problem at all when the detector is used with a control box affixed to a stem. Since the hip-mount configuration was highly unpractical, most GMP users chose the shaft-mounting options and experienced many troubles with them.
Unfortunately for the GMP users, the XP engineers did not bother to improve the poor design. And when the XP Deus metal detector appeared on the market four years later, in 2009, the XP Metal Detectors began equipping the GoldMaxx Power detectors with a telescopic stem of the Deus. However, not only this alternative did not solve the issue with the wrong positioning of the control box, it also excluded the option of mounting the control box onto the stem's middle shaft. The movable middle shaft of the Deus' telescopic stem would NOT allow for attaching the control box to it unless one drills holes in it, affixes a special bracket to it, and does not fold the stem. If the telescopic stem is folded on a regular basis, the control box could be either affixed under an arm-rest, thus allowing contact with mud and wet grass, or accidental collision with rocks, or hip-mounted, thus causing the user limited maneuverability.
Usually, the control-box hip-mounted operation of any detector is useful only in the following cases: 1) an operator has a physical impairment, 2) the detector's weight is above 4.5 lbs and/or 3) a large (18" or larger) search coil is employed for searching vast areas. In any other case, the operator's movement during target excavation is unreasonably restricted by a coil cable connected to the hip-mounted control box.
Although the GMP is ideal for extracting coins and other valuables from the 'hunted-out' sites, the GMP may be merciless to its user when it comes to metal detecting at locations littered with modern non-ferrous junk because all non-ferrous signals would have to be dug up. However, for example, despite my girlfriend's complains about digging lots of non-ferrous trash while detecting with the GMP, many times she admitted that she would not make her best finds if she tried to avoid excessive digging of rubbish. So she kept digging up all modern junk. And this was how she kept beating all the Discrimination-loving detectorists in numbers of good finds during every joint hunt.
All in all, despite the flaws in its stem design, the GoldMaxx Power brought many moments of joy over wonderful finds to my girlfriend, my mom and friends. The GMP concept was a new direction that was taken by the XP Metal Detectors company, and then that concept has been developed further towards excellence of the XP machines. The GoldMaxx Power is a predecessor of the Deus which has set a new standard for a metal detector of the 21st century... That is another story (on the following pages).
When I got an XP Deus metal detector, I found a good use for the GoldMaxx Power's S-shaped, light-weight stem. I utilized it for making two Deuses from one. This simple implementation allowed my girlfriend, my mom and friends to start learning the XP Deus - the most advanced, professional metal detector. Not all of them though liked the Deus as much as the GMP for its simplicity. When I decided to sell the GMP to my fellow-detectorist, my mom and girlfriend did not want to part with the GoldMaxx Power.
If you would like to see the GoldMaxx Power's Features and Specifications and read other users' reviews, please visit the GoldMaxx Power Reviews page