Relic Hunting in East Lincolnshire, England, page 5

Medieval Artifacts Found by Treasure Hunter Dave

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22) Crescent Pendant. David wrote: "I have been told it's Roman military. This piece has two fixing lugs on back and was found by my late partner with the Fisher 1210X."

Crescent Pendant Roman Military
Crescent Pendant Roman Military

23) Copper-alloy Hooked Tags (clothing fasteners), circa Late Medieval/Tudor. David wrote: "One was found at the beach, the rest on farmland with Fisher 1265X and 1236-X2."

Hooked Tags - Clothing Fasteners, late Medieval/Tudor
Hooked Tags - Clothing Fasteners, late Medieval/Tudor

24) 'Dandy' Button, circa 18th/19th century, was found with the Fisher 1265X.

18th/19th Century 'Dandy' Button
18th/19th Century 'Dandy' Button

25) Copper-alloy Cockerel (weighs 4 oz), age undetermined (Roman? modern? - jury's still out!). (found with Fisher 1265X)

Copper-alloy Cockerel
Copper-Alloyed Cockerel