Nexus Standard MP V2 Reviews, Price and Specifications

All-Purpose Land Metal Detector

Retail Price: €4,395.00 ($5,100.00)

Available Reviews: 1

Avg. Rating (5.0 Stars) best rated

Nexus Standard MP V2


  • Technology: Analogue Induction Balance (IB)/Super Dumping Technology (SDT)
  • Operating Frequency Range: 5.7-24kHz
  • Manual controls:
    • Volume combined with a power on/off switch
    • Threshold
    • Sensitivity
    • Discrimination
    • Ground Balance: a 10-turn rotary potentiometer supplied with a multi turn locking dial mechanism
    • Dual tone with adjustable frequency
    • Coarse mineral control
    • Fine mineral control: a 10-turn rotary potentionmeter supplied with a multi turn locking dial mechanism
    • Mineral mode toggle switch
    • Battery test toggle switch
    • Audio Mode toggle switch: it changes the operation of the detector between the two basic modes of operation - All Metal and Iron Rejection
  • Built-in Loudspeaker
  • Headphone socket: 6 mm
  • Battery recharge socket
  • Power Supply: up to 16v (10 AA alkaline batteries)
  • Battery Life: up to 14 hours
  • Operating Modes: All-Metal, Discriminate and Turbo Audio.
  • Optimum Temperature Range: -15° to +60° C
  • Optimum Humidity Range: 0 to 85% RH
  • Weight (with 20" DD coil and without batteries): 1.7 kg (3.7 lbs)
  • Warranty: 2 years
  • Extraordinarily stable, regardless of the ground conditions.
  • Exceeds the capability of other induction balance metal detectors in extreme mineral conditions.
  • Higher resolution of adjustment than any other IB detector, digital and analogue alike.
  • Always identify correctly large Iron no matter how deep.
  • Exhibits a very low sensitivity to tiny and useless bits of lead, foil and thin wires AND YET it will never miss a coin, no matter how small.
  • Will find valuable targets under hot rocks too big for other IB detectors to penetrate.
  • Search Coils:
    • 20" DD Carbon Fiber 5.7 kHz: 25% more sensitivity and more stability on highly mineralized ground compared to the smaller 13"DD coil - no extra weight as the 20"DD Carbon Fiber coil weight is the same as the 13"DD coil (670 grams). Price: €595. This search coil is capable to find both hammered silver coins, hoards of coins, medium and large targets at extreme depth.
    • 13" DD 14 kHz: this search coil is superb for hammered silver and gold coins at incredible depths. It also finds small hoards deeper than most search coils in this size. Price: €364
    • 13" DD 6 kHz: General search coil designed for higher detection ratio of small, medium and large targets in all search conditions. Due to large search area it will find more targets for shorter period of time compared to smaller search coils. Price: €364
    • 10" DD 18 kHz: Excellent for all types of small targets at great depth. Very good for work in Iron infested areas. Weight: 540gr. Price: €256
    • 10" DD 7 kHz: It could be the best general search coil that you'll ever need. It exhibits excellent dept and discrimination in all conditions. Very efficient in detecting small targets at great depth. Very fast in isolating individual targets. Weight: 540gr. Price: €256
    • 7" DD 18 kHz: Excellent for all types of small targets in Iron infested areas. Weight: 350gr. Price: €240
    • 7" DD 8 kHz: General search coil designed for quick scan of new detecting fields and areas. Very good for searching narrow spaces, holes and ditches. Best suited for small and medium targets in contaminated areas. Weight: 350gr. Price: €240
    • Silver Scout (SS) concentric search coils 24kHz: for search in iron-infested fields and beach detecting of small gold and silver targets. This special series search coils are very suitable for gold nugget hunting as they are extremely sensitive to minute non-ferrous targets such as small gold particles. The MP is fully capable to work with the Silver Scout search coils on any mineralized ground retaining proper discrimination.
  • Nexus Standard MP is a metal detector meant for use exclusively by professional treasure hunters or anyone else with extensive experience in metal detecting and solid knowledge base on metal detectors. It is not recommended for users who seek fun features as it does not offer any. Nexus Standard MP is not designed to use any automatic functions, because it aims for the best performance results possible and they are still achievable only in manual mode with most metal detectors.
  • MP stands for Mineral Power, named by the extended capability of this IB detector to work in extreme mineral conditions.The MP may be the best Induction Balance metal detector for searching the deepest layers of the soil for treasures and valuable targets.This is achieved by Nexus' new development – the Super Dumping Technology (SDT) which allows more effective ground and mineral suppression than any other IB detector. The SDT in reality can get rid of any mineral interference as if those minerals or ground do not exist.
  • The SDT has another key feature - the ground conductivity, to enhance the detection of metal targets. With SDT, targets are detected better in ground than they can be detected in air after a proper ground balancing is performed on each particular site.The measured improvement of signal detection in ground compared to air is 12-14%. For this reason the Nexus Standard MP is not designed to exhibit high sensitivity in air, because every result in air is guaranteed to be at least the same in ground if not better.
  • Extreme thermal stability over time (the Nexus Standard MP will not drift regardless of the environmental temperature and/or moisture changes)
  • Very reliable identification of deep large Iron targets
  • Top performance on every salt water tidal beach
  • The Nexus Standard MP V1 can be upgraded to version 2 for €350 + postage. This service is available only directly from the Nexus factory.


The highest level detector!

by Mr.Kim in South Korea - best

Near-perfect mineral control, accurate metal classification, deepest penetration with a 41-inch coil. I bought a 20-in fiber coil, a 11.5-in coil, and a 41-in coil - all made of carbon. I really hesitated before buying the Nexus MP. But after the purchase, I was convinced that I made the right decision. The MP is really deep penetration compared to some of the deepest detectors we have used. No one should criticize Nexus with their preconceptions before using the Nexus products. The Nexus MP is a really amazing detector.

Oct 15, 2018

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