Garrett ACE 150 Reviews, Price and Specifications
All-Purpose Land Metal Detector
Retail Price: $179.95
Avg. Rating
(5.0 Stars)

- Single Frequency Operation: 7.2 KHz
- Graphic Target ID Cursor (5 Segments)
- Clear Tone Speaker
- Tone ID
- Sensitivity, Depth Adjustment (4 Settings)
- Low Battery Indicator
- Coin Depth Indicator
- Headphone Jack
- Interchangeable Ace Series Searchcoils
- Large LCD Display
- Push Button Controls
- Touch-n-Go Operation
- Length: 42" to 51" - Adjustable
- 3 Piece Breakdown Stem, to 24"
- 4 AA battery operation
- Weight: 2.7 lbs. (1.02 Kg)
- 2 Year Warranty
I love it after a few mods.
by Jonny A in Suffolk uk -
As it came, the machine was light and easy to use but had not much depth - 4 or 5 inches on a coin. So after reading that a good mod was to buy a NEL Tornado coil, I bought one and fitted it, and ah-ah! Now it was transformed into a beast machine! I am getting 15 inches depth on a coin on the beach dry sand and very little falsing. It is a tad heavier with the tornado coil, so I use a harness to take the weight better. A plus of the harness is that I can swing just a fraction above the sand. A tip I can give to anyone with an Ace 150 is to tape up where the stem sections join each other. I used jubilee clips to eliminate any play in the joins. If you do not do this, you will get many false signals.
Jun 10, 2018
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