Nexus Standard MkII Reviews, Price and Specifications
All-Purpose Land Metal Detector
Retail Price: €1,795.00 ($2,405.00)
Avg. Rating
(5.0 Stars)

- Operating Frequency Range: 6 – 18 kHz
- Coil Design: DD and Twin Concentric Overlapping
- Coil Weights:
Dual 9 inches or 13 DD – 650g
10 inches DD – 540g
6 inches – 450g
4 inches – 380g
7 inches DD – 350g - Coil Case Construction: ABS plus Fibreglass
- Audio Frequency: Custom tuned
- Audio Output: 6mm stereo headphone jack
- Power Supply: 15v (10 AA alkaline batteries)
- Battery Life: up to 10 hours
- Operating Modes: All-Metal, Discriminate and Auto tune
- Optimum Temperature Range: 15° to +60° C
- Optimum Humidity Range: 0 to 85% RH
- 13†DD High Energy search coil utilizing 124 Volts transmitter and Glass Fiber matrix support
- Auto function which controls together the Threshold, Discrimination, Ground Balance and Iron Rejection Mode
- Bi-colored DDM system – Definite Discrimination Meter, based on LED technology. Operates in two colors, Red for Non-Ferrous targets and Blue for Iron.
- Filter system named Silent Motion. It is designed to eliminate every undesired object, metallic, ground minerals and hot rocks alike to almost nothing.
- Ultra power transmitter that is over 5 times more powerful than the Nexus Standard SE transmitter.
- Tri-pole stem construction enables every user to work with the detector on very steep surface, river banks, caves, narrow spaces.
- Manual controls:
Volume combined with a Power On/Off switch
Threshold combined with Auto function switch
Ground Balance
Multi tone
Recovery Speed toggle switch
Silent motion – Standard motion toggle switch combined with a Battery test
Iron Rejection Mode toggle switch - Build in loudspeaker
- Headphone socket
- Battery recharge socket
- 10 AA battery compartment
- Weight (main unit only): 1.0kg (without batteries)
Nexus MK 2
by Xavier Xanderion in Gdask, PL -
Very good target identification and depth!
Dec 23, 2018
Nexus Standard Mk2
by Don Bowers in Middletown, Pa -
I have been using the Credo for about a year and recently took delivery of Georgi's latest version of the Nexus Standard Mk2. The Mk2 is an amazing machine and the Credo is no slouch either.
First off, the ground where I live is really difficult to detect in.. You would be hard pressed to dig any U.S. coins deeper than about 7" in my hard packed clay in disc mode, even though detectors can be ground balanced easily. I have been hunting a Spanish -American war camp (1898 - 1899) for almost 20 years. One area I had beat to death with White's, Tesoro's, a Shadow X5 and a Nautilus DMCIIb, and a few hand made pulse detectors and have recovered maybe 500 relics or so over the years. I thought I would take Nexus Standartd Mk2 to an area that I knew was pretty worked out, just to test its capabilities.
I hunted for about 3 hours in a small area, maybe 30 X 50 yards. I dug 19 more relics in that small area that I had pounded for years! I have probably left more relics in the ground in that area than I had previously recovered! Almost everything was at 8+ inches and my spade was too short to use my foot on for most of my recoveries. I even dug small brass relics that I thought that I would miss by not using the X5. The other amazing fact is that I did not dig a single piece of iron the entire hunt..
The Nexus Std MK2 is a high power (not high gain) device. Georgi claims it uses a 140V P-P transmitter, approaching the power of a pulse machine, plus the coils are at resonance. I can attest to the fact that the depth comes at a price - battery life. I might make it through one hunt with a set of alkaline "AA" batteries but they would probably get tossed at the end of the day. Rechargeable batteries are a must. Once I went to rechargeable NiMH batteries I had plenty of capacity to last a days hunt. One observation that I made is that the "OO" coil has a clear advantage over the optional 10" DD high energy coil. The 10" DD coil is what is needed for general search situations though.
The trick for incredible depth PLUS discrimination with the Nexus Mk2 is to locate targets quickly using all metal mode or dual tone, in which case, deep targets can be located easily without much loss of depth. The LED bar can then be used for discrimination and not the audio. Or.. a combination of dual tone audio and LED bar can be used. In disc mode, coil motion must be slow with narrow sweeps to achieve best depth PLUS discrimination. With a proper disc setting, the LED bar would always hit solid BLUE for iron, RED or a combination of RED and BLUE for deep relics. I can understand why this detector has not made an entry into main stream marketing in the U.S. though. It just looks too unconventional. It also has a learning curve which I found to be a little harder than the Nautilus DMCIIb, at least to coax the depth out of it, but once I figured it out I was very impressed. So, what kind of depth can you expect from the Nexus Mk2? It depends on your ground. In my ground, I can easily locate a U.S. dime in my test garden at 11" in disc mode. None of my other detectors mentioned above will produce a peep at all in disc mode deeper than about 7" in my soil. Ground conditions prevail over all, but the Nexus Mk2 has a clear advantage.
Feb 21, 2017
Nexus MkII
by Mark Swenson in New York -
My biggest surprise ever, the Nexus Standard MkII. I have been in the metal detecting hobby for over 30 years, and the most often encounter I had had so far was big manufacturer's claims but average return in actual use of all detectors that I used. Before I go on describing my amazement with the new Nexus, I would like to mention that I have purchased and used every top model from every popular metal detector brand, apart from the brands that sell detectors for insane money like 10000+ USD, 50000 Euros, etc. Those are not my type. My favorite detectors so far are Minelab Explorer II, Whites Eagle Spectrum from the distant past, and lately Whites V3i. For deep seeking, my best by now was Nautilus. I tried the old Arado 120B, but Nautilus exceeded its performance and it became my favorite for the deep stuff. When going trough the Nexus web pages for the first time naturally I was skeptical. Well, who in his right mind would believe this kind of claims: the deepest, the best for this, the best for that, and so on. Then I tried to find information on the Internet, some reviews, opinions. Didn't have much success with that. So If I was to make a move and get one without much information, it seemed risky, hell, the price is kind of heavy if the detector turns out to be a hype. The one thing that caught my eye was the bubbling about this resonance tuned search coils. Now, this was something I have never seen on another web site or heard of. So I began digging for information. It turned out Nexus was using a principal invented long ago that for some odd reason no one else is using or at least I haven't heard of any other detector made in this way. It took some thinking and scratching my neck and finally, after a month, I decided, "What the hell, let's see what is this resonance trinket is about." First, indoors, what got my attention was this impossible stability. Normally most detectors I try would pick up some electrical interference inside home, but this MkII is dead silent. Only if I push the sensitivity up, it would start chatter from the power cables, but this goes for all other detectors I used. During the air testing, I could not believe what I saw and honestly still have difficulties to adjust to the fact that this is actually possible. Even at minimum sensitivity the Nexus Standard MkII with the weird search coil (the Nexus thing) would detect a Roman Denarius at 44 cm in air. The signal was very faint of course, but nevertheless far out of reach for any detector I have ever tested. Then I took an Aluminum frying pan from the kitchen, almost 30 cm in diameter. I'd decided to push the sensitivity to the end just to see what is going to happen. Holly cow!!! This thing detected the pan at 2 meters in air with a very decent signal. My eye balls were popping out. Then I got the worry. What if it one of those detectors that are so stellar in the air, but fail in the real life? Oh! So I went out for some trails and tribulations mostly prepared to see some decent loss of that magnificent air tested power. To reduce the expected difficulties, I went on pasture with some trees here and there. I have searched that land many times over the years. To make sure I wouldn't have to blame my self, I took the manufacturer's advice seriously and set the detector as described in the User Manual, step by step. Ahh, those User Manuals! Nexus is not sending any printed materials, and I had to download those from their web site. I like dainty booklets, but those guys don't make any. It took me some couple of hours to get used to a detector that does not squeal, tick-tack, chatter or make any stupid sounds while been used over the ground. BIG SURPRISE FOR ME!!! At minimum sensitivity this machine is either dead quite or I am deaf, but after having been set as per User Manual recommendations, the MkII would not signal at all unless there is a very good reason for it. After searching for a half a day, I didn't find much gold, silver or any so precious ancient stuff, in fact just bits of lead, copper and modern aluminum foil. All down to 30 cm depth. The fact that kept me going was that I did not dig not one piece of Iron under a false non-ferrous signal. The Nexus Standard MkII have exhibited the most deadly discrimination ever. I kept searching, digging everything the detector have picked up both Iron and non-ferrous signals, just to see when it will send me for wild flowers. Not one wrong turn. Well may be there will be such some times in the future. The ground can play funny jokes, but this very first time with the MkII was outstanding in this regard. The best discrimination in my experience so far. After 3 hours of search, I heard this small, but audible signal that was showing good red color on the bi-color meter. I usually dig these kind of signals as slow as I can, removing one thin layer of dirt after another. I did the same this time to check what would be the depth of this non-ferrous target. I have recovered a led musket ball 12mm in diameter at 32 cm depth, measured as accurate as I can. This result at minimum sensitivity settings made me feel faint. I have never seen ever any detector going this deep on such small object. Now I begin to realize that the Nexus web claims may just turn out to be real for a change. I have visited the new building site of a friend to make a test about some extreme depths as I have seen many have been trying to do. There was this deep ditch that was 185-190 cm on one side and much lower on the other. So I got my testing aluminum frying pan (the 30cm one). I dug a narrow hole that will just fit the pan and made about 80 cm deep into the ditch wall right down to the bottom. This took some effort. I didn't think the MkII will pick this signal up, but what the hell. The other detectors I have tried over and over on similar tests didn't do better either. And there it came, that experience I still can't grasp. The ground was mild, and the sensitivity was almost up to the end. And the signal was awesome. I asked my friend to repeatedly remove the pan while I was swinging so I could check over and over. I bloody didn't believe it. All that came in my mind was if the Nexus Standard MkII with their 9" coil, could do this, what the digging with their big SE Ultima coil would be? I couldn't help my self, but to write about my experience with the MkII so others can test it and confirm that I am not mad. I do need it, because it is difficult to believe what my eyes are seeing. I also purchased the Nexus 4" search coil, the 7kHz type, to help me check the deep holes. This small and insignificant in appearance coil turn out to be a non-ferrous signal hoover that performed exceptionally well in an Iron infested test conditions. I got a friend of mine with XP Deus - a very popular detector that is thought to be one of the most productive detectors in Iron infested fields. I have been detecting signals, that my friend have checked with the Deus. Then he have found signals that I have checked in return with the MkII. We have investigated total of 76 targets: 35 non-ferrous and 41 Iron. The Nexus Standard MkII have detected every single one of them without waver in the discrimination. This small 4" coil is fantastic. The Deus with standard factory fitted search coil have missed 6 non-ferrous targets that turn out deeper than 25 cm and it also have mistakenly identified 17 out of 41 Iron targets as non-ferrous, mostly flat Iron pieces and rusty Iron wires. The Deus successfully identified 29 non-ferrous targets. All I can say is that I am a happy man. This purchase was the one time in my life that a manufacturer did not overrated their product and accurately described what it can do. Funny as all companies are racing to make big claims, that there is one telling just the facts. Try it out and see for your self!
Mar 04, 2014
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