XP FX-01 Wire Headphones Reviews, Price and Specifications

Earclip Headphones for XP Metal Detectors

Retail Price: $ 22.00 (€17.00)

Available Reviews: 1

Avg. Rating (5.0 Stars) best rated

XP FX-01 Wire Headphones


  • Specially Designed as back-up headphones for all XP metal detectors
  • Sound quality matches wireless headphones
  • Fast signal transmission
  • No white noise or background hiss
  • Adjustable volume
  • Compact, foldable and lightweight
  • ABS transport/stoarage case
  • 1/8" (3.5 mm) jack (a 1/8"-to-1/4" adaptor is required for GMaxx detectors headphone socket)


Not a single problem with these headphones!

by Sergei UpstateNY in Albany, NY USA - best

The XP FX-01 wire headphones were included in the XP GoldMaxx Power's standard package which I got for my girlfriend. After having used various sets of professional headphones, mostly manufactured by Koss, for metal detecting for many years, I first did not pay much attention to this toy-like looking earclip set, and it was put back in the box. Before I equipped my girlfriend with the XP WS-3 wireless headphones that are specially designed for the GoldMaxx Power, she used the Koss UR-30 headphones with her GMP, so the FX-01 stayed in the box for two years. I found a use for the FX-01 headphones when we got the XP Deus metal detector. I was very sceptical about the Deus' headphones, also the Earclip type, too but found them quite effective as soon as I started using them. When we decided to "double up" the Deus (see details here: http://metaldetectingworld.com/xp_deus_doubled.shtml (just copy this link and paste it into your browser window)), we needed a second set of headphones with a 1/8" phone jack. The FX-01 came in handy. And surprisingly they matched the sound quality of the Deus's wireless headphones! Since then, I have been using them with the Deus' "double" all the time. And what I like about the FX-01 the most is that I do not think about them between putting them on in the beginning of the hunt and putting them off at the end of the treasure hunt! They are light and do not cause any discomfort no matter how I move during target recovery. Their sound is clear crisp and without any background hissing. Honestly I would never imagine that someday I would be using a cheap $20 set of headphones for professional treasure hunting! Even in this "department", the XP company managed to set a new standard. The Deus metal detector's audio sounds are many times better with cheap earclip headphones than with the high-impedance professional headphones that cost over $100! Truly amazing.
I have used the FX-01 headphones with my Deus (the FX-01 were plugged into the Deus' remote control which was attached to my waist belt) quite extensively for six months until the end of the last season, many times under rain, and had not a single problem with them! That is why I gave them 5 stars.

Jan 03, 2013

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