Garrett ACE 350 Reviews, Price and Specifications

All-Purpose Land Metal Detector

Retail Price: $349.95

Available Reviews: 14

Avg. Rating (4.1 Stars) average total

Garrett ACE 350


  • Garrett Ace 350 is new in the world's most popular family of metal detectors and optimized for maximum detection depth on small relics and coin-sized targets.
  • Operating Frequency - 8.25 kHz. Higher Frequency offers improved ability to detect small, conductive targets such as small gold nuggets.
  • Search Coil: Powerful, large 8.5"x11" PROformance DD search coil (interchangeable ACE series search coils are available)
    DD configuration provides greater detection depth and performance by significantly reducing the negative effects of heavily mineralized ground and saltwater interference.
    Long, narrow detection field provides excellent scanning coverage and target separation ability, as compared to conventional coils.
    Garrett exclusive blunted tip and tail design further extended coil's total scan area and offers improved searching along obstacles (walls,fencing,etc).
    Excellent ground visibility through coil
    Rugged, Rhino-Tough epoxy-filled construction
    Waterproof design; near-neutral buoyancy in water
  • Enhanced Iron Resolution allows more control of iron discrimination levels; helps separate good target from adjacent junk iron.
  • Volume control headphones - Garrett Clear Sound Easy Stow headphones are included with ACE 350
  • Electronic Pinpointing to speed target recovery
  • Accept/Reject Discrimination to modify discrimination patterns
  • Iron Discrimination Segments - 4
  • Five Search Modes: select pre-set discrimination patterns or create your own
  • Continuous Coin Depth Indicator to determine target depth
  • Battery Condition Indicator shows battery life continually
  • Pushbutton Controls with One-Touch operations
  • Target ID Cursor Segments - 12
  • Sensitivity/Depth Adjustments - 8
  • Audio Tone ID Levels - 3
  • Length (Adjustable) - 42" to 51" (1.06m-1.29m)
  • Total Weight - 2.8Ibs. (1.27 kgs.)
  • Batteries: 4 x AA (included)
  • Warranty: 2 Year, Limited Parts/Labor


Do Not Waste Your Money

by Diana C in West Des Moines, Iowa - one star

We bought this metal detector based on the reviews. Big mistake. We never could get this thing to locate ANYTHING! It might do a bunch of beeping, but nothing ever there. Tried laying down coins and even some jewelry. Would sweep right over things we had placed on top of the ground, but zero reaction. I would have given this zero stars if that was an option.

Apr 05, 2024

Great detector

by Chuck R. in Grand Rapids, MI - best

This is a great detector. Like any detector, it takes practice to learn how to use one, and learn how to use a specific model. The pinpointing feature is handy, but it is not as precise as a Garret Pinpointer Pro. It still gets you closer than the coil alone.
This is a very sensitive detector and I've found large items down to 12-14 inches. After that I stop digging.
People who have complaints about this do not know how to use a metal detector. One thing they may not tell you in the manual is, when you turn on the detector, you MUST have the coil 12 inches away from ANY metal object, so it can self-calibrate. Otherwise it may beep all the time, or not beep at all.
Some people also need to be aware that it will find "ghost metal", i.e. a spot of high mineralization, where a nail has rusted away and left a high concentration of rust, not a solid nail. The detector will find this but when you dig it up, there is nothing solid there.

Jan 03, 2015


by Kevin Strahan in Natchez,ms - one star

This thing is cheap, not deep. You might get 3-5 inches but that's it. Also it feels like they spent abount $50 making it.

Apr 17, 2013

Great starter to more advanced machine!

by Taylor in Milton, MA USA - best

Being new to metal detecting, I was looking for a simple starter machine with and LCD screen, great coin identification, and good depth. I then bought the ACE 350, having starring reviews, with better iron discrimination then the ACE 250 and better depth. So after receiving my machine, watching the helpful instructional DVD, and reading the manual, I went for my first hunt. I had no trouble detecting one quarter, one dime, and four pennies in less then 45 minutes! So far I had no problems and I would recommend this to anyone. Happy hunting!

Aug 12, 2012

Very Pleased

by Rick in Philadelphia PA - best

I purchased the Ace 350 three months ago and have been searching local parks here in PA. I had an old White's detector and had many finds in these same parks 30 years ago. I have been searching the same parks and am amazed at what I am finding. I so far have found: over 1500 clad coins, 6 silver rings, 2 silver charms, 20 silver coins, a buffalo nickle, and a 1917 statue of liberty watch fob. It took me a while to learn the machine but, with practice, I am finding items easily in the 8-12" range. I highly suggest that anyone who wants to do this hobby should get the Garrett pinpointer. Without this vital piece of equipment, I am sure I would have given up on many good finds. I tried other pinpointers and the Garrett seems to work the best. Good luck

Jul 15, 2012

One Must Read the Directions!

by Timothy G. Alden in Pennsylvania,AMERICA - best

Hello All! In the 90's,up to now,I have owned a Whites IDX pro.I bought it barely used for 475.00. Got much years of pleasure with some decent finds: Civil War/Indian War musket balls in Idaho and Pennsylvania, horseshoes, clad/silver coins, rings. The IDX didn't detect as deep with accurancy as I'd like, and missed deep targets also. I just bought the Garrett ACE350 . The dealer/expert told me it's sure an upgrade from the 90's technology. Paid under 300.00. I am a firm believer that the complainers with these reviews are not getting to know their machine, and not understanding the directions fully. The Ace 350 is a relic hunters' marvel. The discriminators and the depth are top knotch. When it says "pulltab/ring possibility", I'm pulling them up from 10-12 inches down with accuracy. That's needed to locate rings consistantly. Why pay the mucho-Cashola? They are digging up tabs and junk also. The good finds aren't going to jump out in your till. It takes work and knowledge of your unit. The Garrett 350Ace will be the only one anyone needs. If you are at a 1800's stone foundation, expect some digging. Folks who do the best are optimistic, and not afraid to put the time in. These are wonderful machines. I'm not a salesmen, just a dreamer like any other enthusiast. Enjoy!

Apr 12, 2012

Piece of junk

by Mark in Vermont - one star

I received my Ace 350 in the mail a week ago and I have never been so disappointed. This thing beeps constantly, even with the sensitivity set at the minimum. it beeps while laving on the ground and even when I hold it in the air with nothing around. The graphic ID bounces all over with every beep.
I thought I had found a quarter or dime at 2". I tried pinpointing but nothing happens with the pinpoint. So I did the pinpoint wiggle and started digging. I soon noticed that I had a 12" round hole 8" deep, and the Ace 350 is telling me the same thing, quarter or dime at 2".
Needless to say, this junk will be going back to Garrett ASAP. Guess I should of stayed with Whites. I have owned many with no issues EVER!!!

Feb 19, 2012

Don't be fooled by the inexpensive price!

by Rick in Virginia - best

I have been in and out of this hobby for the past 30 plus years and have owned machines from inexpensive to very expensive. After deciding to get back into the hobby just before Christmas, I purchased the Garrett Ace 350. I wanted something that was light weight and not too expensive. Have I ever been surprised with the results of this machine!
First off, I am absolutely amazed at the depth of the 350. I am getting readings on quarters at depths of up to a foot. I found a sterling silver earring on the beach at a depth of about 9 inches. It is nothing to go to a schoolyard and pick up 40-50 coins in a couple of hours.
The discrimination works very well, and with 3 separate audio tones, it is pretty easy to know when you have a coin, trash or something in between. Battery life is excellent on the four supplied AA cells and you should be able to get about 40 hours on them. The only qualm I have about the Ace 350 is that when searching in "wet sand" you will get multiple readings. Just cut the sensitivity back and this will eliminate the problem, and still give you decent depth.
I would definitely recommend this metal detector to anyone just starting out in the hobby as well as seasoned veterans. I believe you would need to spend several hundred dollars more to do much better. The secret, I believe, in this detector lies in the coil. It is an excellent coil, waterproof, and works extremely well. I have no regrets about purchasing the Garrett Ace 350, it has served me well, and I would highly recommend it to anyone not wanting to spend a great deal of money on a detector.

Feb 14, 2012


by Dayton in Maryland - best

This is a #1 rated detector, and nothing else comes close for $500.00 or more... LEARN to set the auto reject and NO more pop tabs or junk! Folks, read the instructions! I have found 100's of dollars worth of items and NO JUNK after learning how to setup the auto reject... fantastic! NO MORE JUNK FINDS!

Jan 08, 2012

Extremely Pleased

by Mlb Bo in mildred,texas usa - best

I have owned a couple of other metal detectors in the past thirty years. But I must say that the Garrett Ace 350 is a great metal detector for first time users or seasoned users. I recently bought one and on my first hunt I found a gold piece worth about $2,100.00. Also I found a 1935 blue crown spark plug. I was offered $300.00 for it. My Garrett has already payed for itself. Plus I'm having a blast using it. Thanks Mr.Garrett!

Oct 22, 2011

Great Machine

by Nomadnailer in WV, USA - best

I bought the Ace 350 Because I have a Tesoro Lobo and wanted a machine with a display screen. The Ace 350 seemed like the cheapest, quality machine for the job. I took the Ace on its first outing at a city park in the area and found a 14K gold wedding band with 3 diamonds. The machine paid off on its first outing!

Feb 10, 2011

Awesome Gift!

by Kevin M in South Texas - best

I got it as a Christmas gift from my wife. She new I had an interest in the hobby so she decided to buy me the Ace 350. I'm extremely satisfied with it. I've found plenty of buried trash: bottle caps, tabs, foil, cans, etc., and even some coins. Two thumbs up from me but I am a beginner.

Jan 04, 2011

Good Little Coin Hunter

by DainBramage1991 in Central NH - best

I've had my Ace 350 for several weeks now, and I'm finally to the point where I can understand what it is telling me. This is also my first detector, so there is a pronounced learning curve but I think I've got it down now.
Here in central New Hampshire the soil is very rocky and loaded with iron. I've found that if I eliminate the first 2 notches of iron discrimination, I spend less time digging up rust halos and more time finding coins. Even with the soil being as difficult as it is around here, I can usually get a reliable 8 inches of depth, and sometimes deeper with larger targets. I've found that the unit is most responsive without getting unstable if I leave the sensitivity at 2 notches below maximum.
My only complaint so far, and this may be due to my own inexperience, is that it LOVES aluminum. You will find every single pull tab, soda can, and chunk of foil. However, this is offset completely by the fact that it will find every single coin also.
As for this being an upgraded Ace 250, I don't know, but it's probably true. Considering the rave reviews that people have been giving the 250 (I did a lot of research before deciding to go with the 350), any upgrade to it can only be a good thing.
I gave the Ace 350 a 5 star rating because it does everything that Garrett says it should, and because I am happy with it so far. The accessories that came with it are handy: they include a pouch, a digging tool, an all-weather hood for the detector head, and an uncomfortable but functional set of headphones. The detector itself is light and easy to swing, and seems to have good battery life (I'm still on the set that came with it). The DD coil makes pinpointing easy, and it is usually accurate to within an inch or 2 in the left-right axis.
Overall, this is a very good metal detector for the money, in my opinion. If you're thinking about buying an Ace 250, I strongly suggest spending a little more and getting the 350 instead - You'll be glad you did.

Oct 20, 2010

ACE 350 - Just an Upgrade of 250

by Baoluo in Queensland, Australia - good

This is my first metal detector, and I won't try to pretend to give a full professional account of the 350 because I'm in the early stages of fully testing it out.
My feeling so far, though, is that this is not a revolutionary upgrade of the 250, but more a bit of a moderate tweak. The coil is welcomed, and iron discrimination is fine but it's not very significant: you just have a few more notches to eliminate iron at various levels of sensitivity. I've got the feeling that the upgrade was conservative and done in purpose. And I think I know why.
They've leap-frogged the ACE and put all their real "revolutionary" upgrades into the Garrett AT Pro but at US$300 more the ACE350!
For someone like me who was thinking of whether to buy the 250 or 350, I think it was a good choice to get this 250 upgrade, and it IS simply an upgrade.
You should seriously think about whether you want to spend more money if your ALREADY have an ACE 250. Personally, I wouldn't do it because the upgrade is not significant enough to warrant it.
If I was really itching for a real upgrade, looks like the AT Pro would do the job, but, at about US$600 this personally prices me out.
Anyway, I'll keep on testing the 350, happy in the knowledge that I have an upgraded ACE 250 that has good street credibility.

Sep 29, 2010

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