White's TDI Reviews, Price and Specifications
PI Metal Detector for Gold Nugget Shooting
Retail Price: $1599.95 (£1139.00)
Avg. Rating
(4.4 Stars)

- Operating Frequency: 6.595 kHz
- Full-control Ground Balance - balances out iron mineralization of hot rocks, black sand, and other tough ground.
- Threshold Control - adjust the audio to hear smaller, deeper signals.
- 3-Way Target Conductivity Selector - allows variable audio to hear either only low conductive targets like most gold nuggets, or high-conductive targets like silver coins and large relics, or both.
- Adjustable Pulse Delay: settings from 10 ms (best for finding gold nuggets) to 25 ms (for relic, coin and beach hunting).
- Variable Audio Select with Ground Balance ON
- Battery Life indicated by L.E.D. light
- Search Coil: Waterproof 12" spider search coil, other accessory coils available.
- Frequency Control - adjusts for hunting near power lines, microwave or other environmental interference.
- Length: 113cm - 127cm (adjustable)
- Weight: 2.4 kg (5.3 lbs.)
- Batteries: 2 x 14.4v lithium-ion battery (Included), Rechargeable Battery Packs included.
- Parts and Labor Warranty: 2 years
TDI build Quality
by Ira Shafer in Oklahoma USA , Ecuador SA -
The poor review is total nonsense, granted it is an old post but still nonsense. I currently own 2 TDI PRO, 2 TDI Original TDI non pro version, 2 TDI SL - one early model and the latter improved model, 5 of the TDI SPP model I bought out from a dealership close out, and the new TDI SL HQ plus the new TDI Beach hunter. I had one issue with my TDI pro just after buying it and WHITES promptly replaced it including postage. The TDI series have all been top Quality trouble free and extremely durable. My beach hunter and TDI SL HQ are new 2019 manufactured and are excellent performers. Just for the record, I also own a ML GPX4800, SDC2300, ATX DeepSeeker, Infinium LS, and a large collection of various detectors. Dollar value performance TDI series are unmatched period in my opinion however as with any detector it takes practice and patience.
Feb 20, 2020
TDI...Can't Go Wrong.
by Guest in British Columbia -
Gary's review is typical of these reviewer-for-hire scams out there on the WWW.
First clue, the almost cliche "It literally fell apart!" - B.S. Anyone who knows anything about any of White's classic metal control box designs know they are nearly indestructable, and can take some abuse. Their parts are of excellent quality...never has anything just "fell off"....well...maybe one of the rubber feet on my MXT, but my dog helped with that!
I have used the TDI Pro and MXT for a number of years, and both have been flawless in their intended field of use. The TDI is exceptionally easy to use for a beginner, and has features that grow with your skill. It goes VERY deep, and picks up very small targets. Yes, weight can be a bit of an issue, but then try swinging a 4 or 5 thousand dollar GP model Minelab without a harness! No comparison, and for the money, in all honesty will perform about as well with less reliability issues than some of the Minelab PI's (no offence to ML owners as I own two, BUT have had ongoing audio circuit issues in my GPX 4500).
Only thing I don't like is the "S" shaft on the TDI. I prefer a straight shaft...that's just me, but I bought an Anderson kit, and it's the perfect PI for me now for moderate everyday prospecting and relic hunting.
Sep 11, 2016
Excellent PI
by Ron in Montana -
This is one depth monster of a Pulse Induction detector. It is very easy to ground balance and hunt with. It goes extremely deep on very small targets, so be prepared to dig a lot of very deep holes. It finds gold like a champ and iron or any other metal in highly mineralized ground that a VLF will not even respond too! This machine is the easiest detector I have ever had the pleasure of learning and using. It is not made for the same small targets that the Fisher GoldBug II or Gold Strike will find, but if you are looking for gold just slightly bigger, this is the machine! It is very inexpensive compared to the competitors! If you can pickup one of these guys used, it would be a real bargain!
Feb 22, 2016
Excellent Machine
by Rick in Pacific Northwest USA -
I purchased the TDI the year it came out. It is a very powerful and easy machine to learn and use. Also this is one excellent detector that you can tune out heavily mineralized ground and just look for gold, or coin shooting or beach hunting. This machine is a real depth monster at the beach and it will accept all of the Minelab coils, they work pretty well on the TDI. The only bad part about the TDI is how far down you have to dig on some targets and you will really need a pin pointer because some targets are so small and deep they are hard to find. Since I have owned my TDI, I just cannot see detecting without owning a PI machine. Usually when I go metal detecting, I bring a good VLF gold detector with me - it is nice to have a back up. The TDI is a real bargain when it comes to finding gold. It will find about 99.9% of the real spendy PIs targets. Why spend 5 or 10 k when this unit will do the job for you?! A real best buy!!
Dec 16, 2015
Best PI Machine for the money!
by Ghostwalker Tours in GA, USA -
I don't know what Gary's problem was with his Whites TDI; unless it fell out the back of his vehicle and he dragged it along the road to where he was hunting and didn't notice it until he got there!
I've been hunting with a Fisher F75, a Fisher Gold Bug Pro SE, and a Minelab Excalibur II 1000 for several years. I thought nothing could beat the Excalibur II on the beach!
Until one day I watched a fellow follow along behind me, at a respectful distance, down the beach and clean up what I had walked over!
I asked him what he was using and he showed me his new Whites TDI SL with the 12 inch coil.
I couldn't get one fast enough! My new Whites TDI SL with the 12 inch coil has me leaving the Fisher and Minelab at home in the closet when I go hunting for relics in the woods or beach hunting for jewelry and coins.
I have been metal detecting for 50 years all over the USA and tried them all! Save yourself some grief and cash and buy The Whites TDI SL with the 12 inch coil. You will not regret it!
This machine goes DEEP on the beach; and on dry land in any soil. Take the time to learn how to use it, and you will not be disappointed. It will pay for itself quickly.
In the woods around Georgia and South Carolina, I have easily dug Civil War bullets, buttons, and artifacts at 16 inches, Artillery shells and fragments at almost 3 feet, with the Whites!
At the beaches, I get jewelry and coins at 16 to 18 inches in wet sand. The Fishers and Minelab Excalibur II couldn't touch that depth. Watch the beach depth test video on You tube!
Jun 21, 2015
Multi Tallented PI
by Barry C in London UK -
Oh Dear Gary Such Lie's. And out of the mouth of a Garrett dealer, TUT TUT.
The TDI series are the best PI's on the market for a simple reason - they can multi task. My GP machine could not be set up to ignore or ID certain metals. The TDI can do this at full depth (not even VLFs can do that). No, it is not as deep as a Minelab. So change the coil and then it is. A good VLF with the right coil in most ground will smoke a GP/GPX.
The virtues of the TDI will save you digging a lot of junk and increase the good targets ratio. The fact is that the TDI is in between a PI machine and a VLF machine with the depth, resistance of a PI for use in bad ground, and the discrimination of a basic VLF machine. NO OTHER PI or VLF machines can offer this all in one package. Use a GP/GPX in an iron-filled site and then try and use a VLF in highly mineralized ground, and see how you get on. Then try or buy either the TDI or the TDI Pro or the TDI SL, and see the difference the TDI series can make. As for the depth difference between the TDI PRO and the SL, it is a lot less than an inch with them using the same settings. But due to the threshold of the SL, it allows you to hear smaller and fainter targets, so the depth difference equals Out.
Hope this helps.
Jun 07, 2015
Pathetic attempt Gary!
by Blackhat in United Kingdom -
Try and get some details right, Gary. Your ON/OFF button fell off. Now why don't Whites believe you may be because it has a SWITCH.
Very sad attempt to undermine sales of an excellent machine.
Aug 20, 2013
Performance at a bargain price
by Blackhat in United Kingdom -
To start off, let's get something right. White's have used the same basic metal box/shaft design for more than twenty five years and you never see any comments about poor build. Then add that the TDI does not have an on/off button to break!
This is a detector with many adjustments and features not found on most other P.I.'s but it can also be used by a beginer as a basic P.I. with superior performance without having to resort to the "Pro" range of controls that are brought into play at the flick of a switch.
As you become more experienced or want to tackle specific tasks, the advanced controls for Ground Balance, Discrimination etc. can be brought into play. Not just a nugget hunter but a superior beach hunter as well.
Weight and balance are good even with the stock Dual Field coil. This coil gets around the need for coil swapping as the smaller inner coil provides sensitivity, and the larger outer one provides the depth, and both operate at the same time. There are at least 39 other coils that can be used from White's and third party manufacturers. Small, large or "bigfoot" style, take your pick.
Where other P.I.'s fall down is lack of controls to deal with E.M.I., true Ground Balance for working on land and variable pulse delay. The latter is described as a con by Terry Soloman (claims 8 rings found in 2 years....gosh!) but is found on the best P.I.'s purely because it works. If you don't want to find small natural gold or many engagement rings that often have large diamonds, hammered silver coins and fine chains etc. then don't worry about pulse delay... but all the Pro's do.
An important feature of this machine is Discrimination. Like VLF's, it does come at the cost of some depth. Unlike V.L.F.'s though, you can reject ring pulls and still find gold rings. Discrimination is not linear, and you have to decide what you want to ignore and what price you are prepared to pay. I can, for instance, ignore ring pulls and newish crown caps but would still pick up iron. Or set to ignore iron, but ringpulls would sound as good as a gold or silver ring. You have to make the choice.
Running costs are low as there's two lithium batteries supplied (one in use and one as a back-up). A series of three lights indicate at all times how near they are to needing recharging.
I give the detector four stars rather than five as the three switches on the detector are not rubber-booted against dust and the machine is not rainproof.
The nearest opposition model is from Minelab which does offer more depth but at more than three times the price. I found more EMI problems with the Minelabs (non with the TDI), and, with the money saved, the Whites can be equiped with a range of coils that balances back the depth loss (unless you spend a fortune on extra Minelab ones).
No longer an expensive detector compared with new machines on the market, and there are three options. The original TDI which I have, the newer Pro version with increased sensitivity to fine gold (but I don't find it any better on the beach), and the new SL which is smaller/lighter/cheaper and uses standard batteries but is a little less deep. The choice is yours !
Nov 13, 2012
White's TDI
by Kenny in CA -
White's is the best in customer service. The TDI is fantastic! I'm not sure what Gary's problem is except that he must work for Mi??Lab.
Oct 01, 2012
Save your money
by Gary in ca -
I have owned this detector for two years and used it a total of about eight hours. On my final trip last week near Coulterville, CA, U.S.A., it litterally fell a part. The hand grip went first, then the metal canister's screws all came out except two. When I got to my office, the on/off button fell off. It will only pick up a pea size nugget at about 1 inch, air test. If you like to dig trash, this is what you need. Inferior customer service. The company president called me a liar. The hot rocks are also on the list. The obsolete flip switches serve as a catch-all.
Aug 10, 2012
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