White's Coinmaster Reviews, Price and Specifications
All-Purpose Land Metal Detector
Retail Price: $179.95 (€139.00)
Avg. Rating
(3.7 Stars)

- Depth Reading as you hunt- Once you've detected a good target, the screen shows you how deep to dig.
- Target I.D - display shows I.D. of target as you hunt
- 5-Range Discrimination - you can hear and see all, or just the good stuff.
- Adjustable Sensitivity - maximizes detection depth in varying grounds
- PinPoint/All-Metal Mode
- Search Coil: Waterproof 9-inch Spider search coil
- Adjustable arm cup and lower rod positions fits children and adults
- Low Battery Alert
- Weight: 2.5 pounds
- Batteries: two 9-volt batteries
- Battery Life: 20+ hours
Review from Estonia
by Aleksander in Estonia, Tallinn (old Soviet Union) -
I´m the owner of White`s CoinMaster and can say that this device is very suitable for beginners. It is a very good device for little money, but low price does not diminish the detector's ability to search for coins.
Mar 08, 2014
Great Value
by Doc in Dayton Ohio -
I have used this for four months now, and it is really a pleasure to use. Light and accurate, you will get a feel for solid signals and discern them from trash. I would recommend a pin pointer to aid you, as the pinpointer is not too great on this machine. Great life on two 9V batteries.
Apr 21, 2012
White Coinmaster
by Terry in montrose ia -
I have not found anything with this detector. It just beeps every spot. I dug holes and never found any thing in them. It's a piece of cr*p so far.
Mar 06, 2012
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Useful Articles:
If you would like to read my in-depth articles containing useful information on important subjects related to the hobby of metal detecting and treasure hunting, such as types of metal detecting activities and metal detectors required, how to research for productive hunt sites, which search techniques and methods to use for specific detecting tasks, and much more, please visit my directory pages:
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