XP Deus V2.0 - V5.X Reviews, Price and Specifications

All-Purpose Land Wireless Metal Detector

Retail Price: $1,550.00

Available Reviews: 9

Avg. Rating (4.8 Stars) best rated

XP Deus V2.0 - V5.X


  • Technology: VLF Single Frequency
  • Operating Frequency Options:
    Versions v2.0 - v4.1 with Black Legacy LF Search Coils: 4 frequencies (4kHz, 8kHz, 12kHz, 18kHz) + shift plus or minus 3 frequencies
    Versions v5.0 - v5.1 with Black 35x LF Search Coils: 5 frequencies (4kHz, 8kHz, 12kHz, 18kHz, 27kHz) + shift plus or minus 7 frequencies
    Versions v4.0 - v5.1 with White High Frequency (HF) Search Coils: 13 to 15.7kHz, 26 to 31kHz, 68 to 81kHz + shift plus or minus 7 frequencies
  • Power and Recovery Speed: adjustable (2 or 3 times faster or slower than the Gold Maxx Power)
  • Audio Response, Iron level, Multi tone, Notch, Discrimination, etc.
  • Many advanced functions (Expert) depending on a firmware version
  • Ground balance: Tracking, Pumping, Manual, Beach
  • Operation Modes: Motion and non-motion
  • Extended discrimination range plus negative discrimination (-6.4), with even greater precision for Iron
  • Pre-configured factory programs (10 Switch on and go programs) and 8 memory slots for personal programs
  • Wireless digital link, multi-channel automatic (36 channels)
  • Fully telescopic S-shaped shaft
  • Remote Control pocket sized (hip mount case provided), graphic display with low power consumption backlight and intuitive screen.
  • Search Coils Type: Carbon fibre impregnated DD coils, both light and waterproof including coil cover. The ultra-miniature digital circuit, which is integrated in the search coil, processes the information and sends it to the headphones and remote control in real time via a radio link.
  • Search Coils:
    • Black Legacy and 35x LF Coils (in): 9, 11, 13 x 11 elliptical;
    • White High Frequency (HF) Coils (in): 9 and 9 x 5 (sniper elliptical)
  • Wireless Headphones: Wireless Backphone (with transport case), light and foldable (Backphone removable), with its own operation controls and screen.
  • USB standard protocol to recharge and download new software/update (via XP website)
  • Weight: Ultra light detector: 975g Full, 875g without wireless control box (hip-mountable)
  • Battery: Lithium Polymer, very compact (7g)
  • Battery Life for Coils (hours): about 10-15 (depending on coil, power settings and frequency)
  • Battery Life for Remote Control and Backphone (hours): 20
  • Fast and intelligent charger, Charge simultaneously the 3 elements (Remote control, Coil and Backphones in 3 hours)
  • Warranty: 2 years, battery and charger included

Audio Headphones Specifications:

  • Wireless backphone with its own operation controls and screen
  • Light and foldable (backphone removable to replace it easily)
  • Can control the detector alone: in the absence of the remote control, the headphones enable you to adjust all the main detection settings (Sensitivity, Discrimination, Ground Balance, Operating Frequency, Multi-Tones, Volume, etc.) in versions v2.0 - v4.1, and Expert settings (Reactivity, TX Power, Automatic Ground Tracking, Frequency offset (35 frequencies with the new X35 Black coils), Iron volume, Audio Response) in versions v5.0 - v5.X
  • Factory programs
  • Lithium battery and charger provided
  • ABS transport case


I Stick to Version 3.2 for Many Reasons

by Sergei UpstateNY in Albany, NY USA - good

I posted my first review of an XP Deus V2.0 and V3.2 back in 2013 after I had studied and field-tested the Deus intensively for two seasons. The novelty of the Deus for its time was not in just a modification of some existing detector with a couple of additional advanced features. The XP Deus platform featured a parade of the cutting-edge innovations that set not just one, but a few new standards for a 21st century metal detector: a fully wireless operation, selectable-VLF-frequency platform, incomparably effective Target Separation, unmatchable Tonal Discrimination, upgradable-via-internet firmware and ultra-lightweight body design.

Despite a quite steep learning curve of the Deus and some critical issues with its charging system, a built-in battery (it’s not easily replaceable) of the LF search coil, and some less critical flaws in design, the Deus V3.2 turned out to be a well performing machine at every hunt site I visited. In other words, a wide assortment of the Deus’ "Basic" features and their "Expert" constituents provided for maximum user adjustability almost without compromising performance, and enabled me to fine-tune my Deus V3.2 to various metal detecting conditions, i.e. levels of soil mineralization, iron junk content as well as types of soil and targets sought, etc.

Well... Everything was fine until March of 2017 when XP released the V4.0 firmware version, and I installed it on my Deus. From that point, my happy Deus experience went downhill...

Fine-tuning the Deus to any particular hunt site conditions became almost impossible. My effective custom programs that I had arduously put together for V3.2 did not work well with the V4.0, and for quite some time I could not make them work again. Even after I finally made them work, my custom programs still were not as efficient as before. As a result, my finds rate PLUMMETED.

The main reason for that seemed to be the lack of full compatibility of the V4.0 with the LF coil. The V4.0 did NOT turn out to be the expected "corrections to the V3.2". The V4.0 was a new firmware platform designed specifically for serious gold prospecting, i.e. for detecting with new High Frequency (HF) coils which, like all XP Deus coils, were DETECTORS themselves.

The “real” Deus detector is its search coil, not the remote controller. The remote controller and the headphone wireless module only contain the interface, i.e. they are used to control the machine and to give visual and audio feedback to a Deus user. Traditionally every other metal detector embeds its "brain" - the basic detecting electronics including a microprocessor, in a control box. This is why most Deus users believe that the Deus’ heart and brains reside in the remote controller, and consider the Deus coils… just accessories.

In reality, the Deus buyers basically spend $290 (245.00 EURO) for the telescopic stem, $899.00 (762.00 EURO) for the remote controller with LCD, $370 (315.00 EURO) for the WS4 headphones (or $470.00 (400.00 EURO) for WS5 headphones) and another $400-$600 (340.00 - 510.00 EURO) for the coil-detector. Now, every time a Deus owner buys an additional LF or HF coil, he/she actually buys another $400-$600 metal detector with a circuit board and the built-in battery.

In order to get the most out of any coin/relic hunt site, the Deus user needs at least one additional search coil - an 11" coil for detecting medium-to-large-sized, deeper targets. If the hunt site, like the site of the former homestead or place of business (a tavern, mill, smithy, etc.), may possibly contain coin hoards or artifact caches, an 11 x 13" coil is required to locate them.

If the hunt site also contains the tiniest coins (6 mm in diameter) and thin-sectioned, non-ferrous relics, the HF coil is needed for the absolute superficial clean-up. In this case, one must spend on average extra $950 to purchase two additional coils - two more mid-range metal detectors with a circuit board and a battery in each.

With the V4.0 release, it started looking pretty obvious that to use any major firmware upgrade to its fullest or improve the operating capabilities and some functionalities of the Deus, a Deus owner MUST purchase different search coils/detectors released along with the update! XP Metal Detectors had figured out an ingenious way to sell two or even three coils (detectors) to the Deus users with every new major firmware update!

The firmware version 4.0 was the first implementation of XP’s profitable business plan when TWO HF white coils + an expensive MI-6 pinpointer/mini-detector with a radio connection to the Deus were released. When the v5.0 update was issued in July of 2018, THREE new X35 LF coils were released along with it.

I was not very happy about buying more mid-range metal detectors without which the updated firmware would not work effectively. But I had to purchase at least a 9" HF coil to run my field-tests with the V4.0 and V4.1. Since the HF coil was created to operate at higher transmitting frequencies, and only for detecting the tiny low-conductors on surface or at depths within a few inches, the Deus platform was completely redesigned accordingly. In particular, the Deus’ key feature - the Ground function, was optimized at the cost of stable Ground Balance for the LF black coils.

Unfortunately for some former V3.2 users like me - those implementing the 4 - 18 kHz frequency range, the Ground function’s incompatibility with the legacy LF coil resulted in the erratic behavior of the Deus V4.0 and fluctuating Ground Balance. The latter did not allow me to fine-tune my Deus V4.0 to the site conditions.

Without being fine-tuned, my Deus V4.0 could not indicate the threshold-targets with the same diggable signals as those given by the Deus V3.2. In fact, with V4.0, those targets sounded much worse, like the iron grunt, or there was no audio response at all! Being not perfectly ground balanced, my Deus could not get a decent detection depth even at spots with scarce iron junk (all details on my field testing the V4.0 with the LF coil are given HERE).

To my joy, my Deus was more stable with the version 4.1 due to implementation of a new feature - Ground Sensitivity, that was added to the V4.1 mainly to fix problems with the Ground function while using the LF coils. But, with such coils, the Ground Sensitivity turns into a tricky feature as it must be fine-tuned to the current mineral content in soil not to compromise the detector’s efficiency in Target ID and Target Recognition.

Through experimenting with the Ground Sensitivity settings, I made the Deus V4.1 gain somewhat decent detection depth for coin-targets in focus; however, it was at least one inch (2.54 cm) less than that of the Deus V3.2! And this depth margin caused some Target Drop-outs, i.e. non-ferrous, low conductive targets such as the small, thin copper snips were pushed into the iron range of the Discrimination/Conductivity scale. At least, I found a few tiny, thin-sectioned coins (0.8-1.4 cm in diameter) at the site for the first time! (all details on my field testing the V4.1 with the LF coil are given HERE).

With the 9" HF coil, operated on 27 kHz, I did not find any coins at my test-site at all; thus, proving that not only the HF coil was not an every-day, all-around coil, but also that it did not find anything the legacy 9" LF black coil operating with the V3.2 on 18 kHz could not find! However, with the HF coil, the Deus V4.0’s performance was more stable than with the LF coil, and I had no issues with GB. And, at the most challenging, iron-infested spots in the site, I managed to find the tiniest non-ferrous targets - the microscopic bits of sheet copper and a few lead birdshots of 3 mm in diameter, on and near the ground surface! (all details on my field testing the V4.X with the 9" HF coil are given HERE).

The 9" HF coil proved to be capable of detecting the tiniest low-conductors among dense iron junk. Considering that and how well the HF coil can cope with extreme mineralization, one can be sure that the HF coils meet the requirements for detecting either gold nuggets (or meteorites) - this is what they were designed for, or the tiniest coins like the Roman minims in the highly-mineralized ground of some sites in the UK and other parts of Europe.

But at my test site containing coins that are much larger than 6 mm in diameter, the HF coil turned out to be useless. In other words, my site’s metal detecting conditions were not favorable for the HF coil. However, this coil can benefit those searching for superficial, non-ferrous relics of the small-to-medium sizes, such as military marked buttons, shoe buckles, badges and other insignia, thin and wire-framed objects, etc., at the sites located in pastures and laden with old iron junk only and/or having high levels of mineralization.

I did not test the 9" HF coil on 57 kHz because I obviously did not have a hunt site containing valuable "appropriate" targets for that operating frequency. At my test sites, the tiniest targets would undoubtedly be BB’s, birdshots, air gun pellets (4.5 mm in diameter), tips of iron sewing needles, minuscule snips of wire, tiny flakes of foil, microscopic bits of tin and copper, and zillions of non-ferrous specks that I would have to deal with during the process.

Although the Deus operating on 18 kHz can be easily tuned to sound off on such targets, I certainly did not need them! But, yes, with the standard LF coils operating on 18 kHz, some ’Expert’ settings can be altered to give the same results as those of the HF coils operating on 27 kHz. So, for me personally, purchasing the 9" HF coil was a waste of money for sure.

In the summer of 2018, XP released the more powerful and stable X35 LF coils (detectors) with the version 5.0 to address the depth loss with the 4-18 kHz operating frequencies. According to some former legacy-coil users who have recently bought and tested the X35 LF coils, these coils not only compensate the above-mentioned depth loss, but also provide an increase of two inches in the detection-depth range. But these users also stated that "it is a lot of extra money for the 2-inch gain."

I did not test the version 5.X because it was a bug-fix and modification of the V4.1 to accept the X35 coils and give the Deus LITE users an access to "Expert" settings through headphones. As for the performance, no noticeable difference was reported by the users.

And I do not even consider buying the X35 LF coils because I do not have extra money for three additional coil/detectors, and I do not want to have a room full of coils. Plus, I know that, with the legacy coils, I would certainly not miss out on anything as I hunt in areas where the detection-depth range does not matter, or in the plowed fields where the soil is turned over annually and, therefore, those coins that have been 2 inches below the legacy LF coil’s detection-depth range will be closer to the ground surface after next plowing.

And since I plan to stick to the V3.2 which gives me the highest finds-rate, I will keep using the legacy coils. However, this may be a problem in the long run because XP discontinued the legacy LF coils in September of 2018! And the X35 LF coils have been supplied as standard with the XP Deus detectors since then. I think that this XP’s business decision is unfair to the long-time Deus V3.2 fans or those fresh Deus buyers who want to use the V3.2 with the legacy coils. As the version 3.2 is still widely used and considered the only reliable, bug-free firmware version, the legacy coils should not be discontinued.

I will use the Deus V3.2 as long as the search coils work. When the built-in batteries in my legacy coils eventually die, I will mostly likely consider switching to any of existing alternatives to the XP Deus, which have recently appeared on the market: Minelab Equinox 800 (new multi-frequency technology), Makro Multi Kruzer (selectable frequency) or Nokta Anfibio Multi (selectable frequency).

Each of these machines not only costs a thousand dollars less than the XP Deus, but also incorporates only those advanced features that are essential for the today’s metal detecting reality. These detectors are not loaded with features and modes which most users may never benefit from! (more details on these detectors are given HERE).

One of many reasons why I decided not to upgrade my Deus to versions 4.1-5.X was the skyrocketing probability for user-error to occur during the Deus fine-tuning and usage. XP’s attempt to incorporate five metal detectors into the Deus has led to doubling the number of features and modes in the detector - from 29 in the version 2.0 to a total of 58 in the version 5.X, not including the operating-frequency offsets, preset programs and those functions, modes and menu options that do not affect the Deus’ performance.

Starting with the firmware version 4.0, the Deus’ extreme flexibility and user-adjustability not only have led to great difficulty in learning the Deus by users, but also caused an increase in the user-error potential, with serious mistakes becoming harder to spot and identify. Even with my substantial practical knowledge and experience in optimizing the search program settings of different detectors, I could not avoid making a few critical errors during my search program customization for the V4.1, and then spent some of my field time trying to pinpoint the source of trouble.

Unlike any other advanced metal detector on the market, the Deus MUST be individually fine-tuned to metal detecting conditions of every hunt site you visit. This is the only way to use this complex detector to its fullest. But because the Deus is the most versatile detector on the market, it is also the hardest to troubleshoot; thus, lowering the user’s time efficiency in the field. I myself definitely do not want to waste my time for troubleshooting the Deus V4.1-V5.X during the fine-tuning procedure while the Equinox 800 users around me in the field are already digging up good stuff.

I like my Deus V3.2 and would like to continue enjoying metal detecting with it, but just XP’s discontinuance of the black legacy coils make me, a regular coin/relic hunter, feel betrayed. Those long-time Deus users who got sick and tired of XP’s transformation of the Deus into primarily a gold-prospecting detector, implementation of the gold-optimized-only firmware, brilliant business plans, continuous firmware-patching and "creeping featurism" - expansion of the existing features and addition of new features and interface, have already begun turning away from XP.

And I wouldn’t blame them because since March of 2017, every XP’s update has been just a bug-fix of a previous update; and major updates being loaded with more features and accompanied with new coils to keep the Deus owners buying. XP should start listening to the Deus fans, resolve all issues with the Deus design, that had not been mended since 2009, and come up with a firmware version that is not bloated with useless features going beyond the initial function of the Deus as just a versatile coin/relic detector. I hope XP will meet expectations of its fans in the near future. For now, I will stick to the version 3.2.

All details on the above-mentioned issues and other subjects with regard to the XP Deus are given in my in-depth article - Truth About XP Deus

Oct 21, 2018

New XP Deus V4.0, New 9-inch HF Search Coil and MI-6 Pinpointer

by Ono in Bucharest, RO, EU - best

I just started metal detecting with an XP Deus, as my first detector, this year. My long-time hobby is collecting meteorites and colored rocks/stones which I use as an inspirational source in may art (paintings and sculptures).
So take my newbie's opinions accordingly.

It seems better than v3.2. It's running faster than the v3.2, and the search coil is a little more sensitive, and its performance is more "accelerated". It's strange for me to see "negative" Discrimination values. I tested the v4.x more than 200 hours with the -6.4 discrimination setting but I didn't find a single target to either register with an audio signal or with a VDI value between -6.4 and 0 shown on a screen (or on XY visualization screen)... It has 2 new factory-preset programs: #6 - "Deep" with the V2.0 software 'filters', and #9 - "Hot" with the V3.2 'filters', so you can play with them and with your custom programs if you are a fan of older versions.
I am happy with the V4.x and the 11-inch(28cm) black coil!

2) 9" (22cm) High Frequency (HF) SEARCH COIL (white coil) for Gold Prospecting
Its battery life is aprox. 30% longer than of the 11" black coil, and the coil can be used maybe 3-4 days at 30-50 kHz - very good!
However, this 9" HF White Coil didn't impress me much versus 11" black coil, nor in the field, nor in garden tests...
I tested it just in normal (not mineralized) soil, and in iron infested soils (old and contemporary, with Ferrous and Aluminum trash).
In old iron infested soils, the 9" HF Coil didn't succeed to recognize neither copper nor gold targets between two ferrous targets. While using either the Deus preset programs or my customized programs, I got no audio signals, and no VDI numbers on a screen, even when I put Reactivity at 5. The targets were only 5-10cm (2-4 inches) deep... Despite a written "Gold Prospecting" on the 9" HF coil, the coil performed very bad!

I'm hoping the XP Metal Detectors will do something and solve these HF issues.

It is submersible, feels good in hand, and has a "recovery" feature if you accidentally leave it near the dug hole or loose it while metal detecting.
If using it connected to the Deus, you can adjust its Sensitivity up to 50, but, at this level, you would not be able to use it in the field because it has a 50-60 cm (2 feet) almost spherical range, and you'll not figure out from which direction the target "comes". This is why I usually put Sensitivity at 32 - this setting gives me about 7-8cm (3 inches) depth.
The MI-6 pinpointer allows you to change the audio tone and create 4 custom programs.
The MI-6's battery is very good. I have detected 6 times x 8 hours and it's still at 60% - very good!
I couldn't succeed to switch off the pinpointer's LED light (I tried 10-20 times...)

If you use the Deus V4 in conjunction with the 11" coil and the MI-6 pinpointer, the battery life is 25% lower vs. V3.2, nevertheless, you can use the Remote Control's battery for 2 days - very good (I used it with headphones, not with the RC's speaker).

I would like to thank Sergei UpstateNY for his website offering good support to worldwide detectorists!

A friendly salute to all from old Europe and happy hunting!

May 22, 2017

The Deus is the Best Detector Out There

by Tim Myers in Watervliet, NY USA - best

A little over a year ago my good friend Sergei UpstateNY was visiting with his XP Deus and staying at my home. Needless to say we went out detecting with the XP Deus. Within 2 weeks I owned one. I have used Minelabs for years. Don't get me wrong they are great detectors but they are heavy, especially with the X-1 Probe. The XP Deus is hands down the best detector I have ever used. It weighs under 2 pounds and is just a killer on sites we have detected for years; you know those "detected out" sites! If you want your excitement back, you NEED to get one of these detectors! Happy hunting!

Feb 06, 2015

XP Deus = Ferrari of Metal Detectors

by JackCo in Mechanicsville, VA - best

PROS: Light Weight, Completely Wireless, unmatchable ease and speed when changing search coils; Advanced Programmability, Firmware Internet Updates, four Non-Motion Modes and easy Ground Balancing.

CONS: Display is not Color (this is trivial, but my only negative)

The XP Deus with WS5 is the Ferrari of metal detectors. It does have a learning curve... requiring some study to fully appreciate. Performancewise it exceeds all the competition and completely rewrites the engineering design approach to metal detecting. It's just a real pleasure to use. The competition; here in the States, has to realize that the days of carrying a six pound box around, with wires everywhere are ending. Being the Ferrari of metal detectors it is expensive. It looks and feels expensive, but the performance is second to none. It's the best available... I'm wondering what XP has planned next?

Feb 09, 2014

Lightweight that is a real Heavyweight!

by Charlotte49er in Charlotte, NC USA - best

I have been a metal detectorist for 35 years. I personally have owned over 35+ metal detectors in that time. Just about every brand you can think of. (I started with a Heathkit machine back in the 70’s) The XP DEUS is hands down the finest metal detector I have ever used. Many people think it's a toy because of it's ightweight. This is no lightweight. In fact, it's a heavyweight against all other metal detectors! My best find to date is a 10K gold woman's class ring under a steel bolt!

May 04, 2013

"For There Is One XP Deus (God)"

by Sergei UpstateNY in Albany, NY USA - best

After having used the Minelab FBS metal detectors for 12 years, I was very skeptical about the XP's latest model - Deus, for its futuristic looks and unusual innovations incorporated into a metal detector of this class. But when I tried the Deus, version 2.0, at the "searched-out" site for the first time, my first impression was "Wow! It can't be real!" Five months have passed, and I still have the same impression... If you would like to read the rest of my review, please visit this page: http://metaldetectingworld.com/xp_deus_metal_detector.shtml (copy this link and paste it into your browser window). Happy hunting!

Dec 10, 2012

Sheer Convenience

by Rallymaker in Hove Sussex UK - best

Well, like many of you out there, I have purchased quite a few detectors over the last few years, and I have got to say the Deus is the dogs testicles, it is easy to transport, physicaly light as a feather. It has cordless headphones, remote control box, very fast response, and it performs like no other machine I have used.
I did pooh pooh it when it first came out because it was so expensive. It still ain't cheep, thats for sure.
This machine is a wake up call to all other manufacturers, and they will have a hard job to follow: big box old tec is out the window!.
Are there any draw backs in performance? None even on wet sand once you learn how to set it up.
XP leads, others can only follow.

Apr 17, 2012

My Thoughts on My Deus

by Deusbloke in UK - best

Honest opinion is it's a cracking machine, and I prefer it over my E-Trac, but not because of the depth issue as they are both about the same. However, with the new coil, the Deus's detecting depth increased. The reason is that the Deus is lightning fast, and nothing passes by undetected under its coil. Although my E-Trac is good in all soil conditions, it does null and lose good targets over iron. Doing an air test over a target next to iron isn't an accurate way to do it. Checking a target next to iron needs to be done while the target is in the ground. The Deus is capable of picking out targets that are all close together with iron in between EFFORTLESSLY! With Deus' lightness + regular adjustments of the program parameters, you have a great machine. Some people voice concerns over battery life... Well, let me start by saying all the new Deuses have the upgraded battery, and, from experience, it's good for 13-15 hours of continuous operation before recharging. The in-field charger, which runs off one battery, takes around 5-10 mins to charge the coil, giving you around 3 more hours. Bear in mind that the battery is good for 3-4 years with regular use and only depreciates to 80% performance. And the replacement of the battery in English money equates to around £30. The best mode is the GMP mode run at 12 khz, but that's just my preference for the soil I use.
A great machine! So if you can afford one, then get the Deus - that's my advice!

Jan 23, 2011

Deus hits the mark

by Wayne in Calgary, Alberta, Canada - good

I have been detecting for about 8 years and have tried many different types of detectors. I have an E-Trac as well as a V3. Each one has it's advantages, but they are both fairly heavy machines. The Deus is feather light. I can swing all day and my arm doesn't get tired at all. The machine is ultra sensitive and has good depth. It compares favourably to the other two. It has lots of variables to adjust for those who like to tweak their machines. The main reason I bought this machine was for travelling though. It is a powerful, compact detector that is extremely light weight and takes up very little space. The only reason that I didn't give it a 5 is that I haven't had it that long, so I didn't want to rate it the highest until I've had a chance to really get to know the machine. Anyway, the best price I could find was about 1700.00 Canadian dollars, which is comparable in price to the other two high-end detectors.

May 15, 2010

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