Teknetics Delta 4000 Reviews, Price and Specifications
All-Purpose Land Metal Detector
Retail Price: $549.00
Avg. Rating
(4.2 Stars)

- Transmit Frequency: 7.8 kHz
- Two-Digit Numerical Target ID System
- Tone Discrimination
- Number of Tones: 3
- Discrimination by Categories
- Single Notches Selectable by Categories
- Fully Static Push-Button Pinpoint
- Adjustable Sensitivity
- Battery Life Indicator
- Intuitive Menu System
- Numerical Depth Readout
- Running Depth Indicator
- Push-Button Control Interface
- 2 Search Modes: Discrimination Mode, All Metals Motion Mode
- Overload Alarm System
- Preset Ground Balance
- 8" Open-Face Coil System
- 5 Year Limited Warranty
Best investment ever for metal detectorist, Pro or Beginner.
by Todd in Northsouth, Eastwest USA -
Picked one up at the Academy on the run four years ago. One screw and a plastic nut bolt later it was assembled. The air test was simply revealing of how easy this machine was to verify on targets. There I was the next day and days since cleaning up on all sites I have ever been on. If it's there, slow and low technique, and I'm gonna find it. With confident digs nearly every time.
There is the light weight and compacts to easily carry through on deep woods hunts or long walks in to the old site. There is the one 9 volt battery that lasts for several days of very good depth on the smallest of targets getting found. The ergonomics, the large vdi numeric readings, the notching, the all metal that is a solid one touch verification on those iffy targets.
Not to mention, I turned over the kayak in the river with my machice strapped on. Had the battery humming when I finally swam to the bank. Oh NO!! Yes. Well I snatched the battery out. Got it home and disassembled the housing and blow dried the thing out and left it for another day. Fully dried, I put in a new battery and voila. It has never worked better. That was two years and a lot of silver and old deep coins and relics. I am sold on this one.
Even in the trashiest spots you can pinpoint the right target with the super fast recovery and distinct tones with the one touch pinpoint giving you a numerical depth as well as the depth gauge for in motion searching. I just can't say enough. For the money, best deal ever. It makes any and every day working this machine fun and affordable with excellent results at the end of the day.
Waited some time to give this review, but I don't just give away compliments like these. They have to be earned and this little machine did just that.
Happy Hunting!
Mar 26, 2013
Teknetics Delta 4000
by Dave in Poughkeepsie, NY -
I recently purchased this after owning a White's Idx Pro, which I loved but sold. After being out of the hobby for a couple years, I was looking for a decent entry level machine with decent depth and a capable id. I was considering the Fisher F2 which is close in price. The Delta has more features though, and I went with that. I am very pleased with it so far. It gets good depth, and both the id and depth indicators are accurate. Plus, it only runs on 1 9 volt! I would recommend it to any beginner. It's easy to use right out of the box.
Apr 04, 2011
I recommend this unit to all beginners!
by Randyman S. in Springfield, Mo -
I just purchased this unit on january 1st, 2010. Right out of the box, I was spotting coins in my yard. I didnt even read the manual, I was too eager to get started! I found a 1997 dime in about the fourth swipe and have been "pounding" the parks and public places ever since. I am as big of a greenhorn to metal detecting as you can be but am thrilled with this Delta 4000. I have now read the instructions manual and am sad to find out that gold registers under all categories depending on the size of the object. That is why I didn't put 5 stars on this thing. I told you I am ignorant of the facts when it comes to MDing so maybe I'm shooting to high on the gold objects reading true to one category. The unit is really light weight which helps because I've had both shoulders operated on in 2009. Only time will tell if I'll love this new hobby of mine, I've alreay heard some grief from the wife about the holes I left in the yard.(CRAP!!......Bad Monkey!) I would recommend this unit to all beginners like me. Happy hunting! Randyman out!
Jan 01, 2010
Did'nt Work Well On My Ground
by Brandon Moore in Newry Maine -
Just recently I had one of these and did not have very good luck with it at all. I was told my ground balance was way off. Pros: it's lighter than the Tesoro's and the depth meter is very accurate. Other than that I'm not very happy with it. It gives a lot of false readings and TID's would jump around, but if you're looking for light machine, this is it!
Jul 11, 2009
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