Fisher F2 Reviews, Price and Specifications

All-Purpose Land Metal Detector

Retail Price: $249.00

Available Reviews: 3

Avg. Rating (4.7 Stars) best rated

Fisher F2


  • Frequency: 5.9kHz
  • 2-Digit numeric target value
  • 4-tone audio I.D.
  • One touch Pin pointing
  • Target category Notch system
  • Real time coin depth indicator
  • Searchcoil: 8" concentric; 4" and 10" Searchcoils available
  • LCD display
  • 1/4" Headphone jack
  • Batteries: 9 Volt x 2
  • Light weight only 2.6 lbs.
  • 5 year limited warranty


Breaking my baby teeth on the F2

by Tony in New Germany, Minnesota, USA - best

I started this hobby with a different detector(I'll leave out the name because I haven't given it a fair shot yet). It has awesome depth and picks up the tiniest pieces of EVERYTHING. Discriminator works marginally and it's in Tone-ID only, so in a trashy area, it's like 10 people yacking in me in Chinese, all at the same time. In frustration and facing a quick end to metal detecting due to burn out, I picked up a used Fisher F2 on eBay. Saved the hobby for me. Instead of continuing to tear up my lawn with beginner quality plugs, I took it to the beach and tot lots (much easier to use a sand scoop). After pulling a few giant nails out of the beach sand (how they got there I can only imagine-Dock?), I clicked it over to only dimes and quarters. Suddenly everything got quiet. Tested a clad quarter, and the detector was working, so I started searching again. Every time I did get a signal, I did the "X" from different directions and only dug on repeatable near-the-same signals. Started pulling only dimes and quarters (all clad) and no garbage. Metal detecting went from a big waste of time and money to something that was just plain fun. Got home to my pockmarked lawn and did the same. Pulled the first thing out of my lawn that wasn't junk. A '69 Roosevelt. Small potatoes to most but to me I giggled all the way to the pickle jar half filled with nails and taped it to the lid. FYI, it was a solid 8 inches down. I actually measured it with a tape measure. Someone must've added dirt to my lawn somewhere along the line (just bought the place) as I can't see how a relatively modern coin could have gotten that deep. Quite tarnished so it's been there a while. Another fun thing to note was that I pulled 2 different nails from the hole as I was digging for my dime. They never even registered on my F2. Never would have known they were there except they were picked up on my cheapy Harbor Freight Cen-Tech pinpointer(another awesome investment-dirt cheap and you can open it up and tweak it with a tiny screw driver to get 1-2 inches of depth with it). The signal kept coming up so I kept digging. Thanks Fisher!

Aug 17, 2014

Great starter

by Clem in Lewiston, Maine - good

I must give my 2 cents also. It is my first detector and it works well. Still getting use to the thing but found some coins and some matchbox cars LOL. All in all I would say F2 is a very good starter Detector. I would highly recommend Fisher....

Apr 13, 2014

Great For A Beginner

by Gavin in Belgium - best

I can't compare the F2 to any other detector as it is my first one, but what I can say is that for a novice like me this machine gives a fantastic value and quality entry into the hobby. It is simplicity in itself and the only trouble I had was getting the battery compartment to close as it is a tight fit in there which I guess is a design feature to stop the two 9v batteries rattling when the machine is in use. I had some headphones ready so couldn't compare battery life with or without the headphones, but the batteries are holding up well after about 10 hours use. So out I went onto an old path behind my house and started swinging. I soon discovered that there was a lot underground. I live in the mountains, in a valley which has been inhabited for thousands of years, there are only a few houses but the valley had a mill at the top end once, had a few mines further up, a foundry, and was farmed well too. In the woods too there are many old foundations so I have a lot to go to. Anyway I soon decided for peace of mind (and to save digging up countless screws and nails) and turned the discrimination up to eliminate Iron. Two button pushes later and my ears could cope. Within minutes I had begun unearthing interesting bits and bobs, then, after about an hour, my first coin, 10 Centimes from 1876. Next day after about an hour again and digging up some interesting pieces, I found another coin, this time a bronze 5 centimes from 1795. What more can I say, I'm happy and I think anyone who buys this machine will be happy too. I'd be interested to see what others have to say about the Fisher F2 who can compare it to other units on the market in all price ranges. I have a sneaking suspicion that the results will be favorable.

Nov 17, 2008

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