American Hawks Explorer Reviews, Price and Specifications
Junior Metal Detector
Retail Price: $59.99
Avg. Rating
(5.0 Stars)

- Weight: 1.3 pounds
- Water proof coil
- All Metals or Motion Discrimination
- 3 adjusting knobs for sensitivity, discrimination threshold and volume control
- Built-in speaker or optional headphones
- Adjustable Arm Support
- Automatic Ground Balance
Good Starter - Teaches Basic Metal Detecting
by ST in Mother Lode in California -
I bought this detector for my passtime, and, though it is a junior detector, once I set out around the house it turned out to be a good investment. The previous occupants, seemed to have thrown out hundreds of 1 cents which were buried in the gravel out back of the house. I learned later that the pond/waterfall in the fenced backyard was used as a wishing well, and they had pumped the water and coins out to the back area. Some quarters, dimes and nickels were found. From the experience, I found the user's manual to be accurate and helpful. Everything works just like the manual states. Pull-tabs, though, can sound like 1 cent, and 1 cent can sometimes sound close to a quarter. Iron can be eliminated mostly, though, rusty nails can sound like 1 cent.
Sep 26, 2009
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Useful Articles:
If you would like to read my in-depth articles containing useful information on important subjects related to the hobby of metal detecting and treasure hunting, such as types of metal detecting activities and metal detectors required, how to research for productive hunt sites, which search techniques and methods to use for specific detecting tasks, and much more, please visit my directory pages:
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