American Hawks Navigator HP-1030 Reviews, Price and Specifications

Junior Metal Detector

Retail Price: $199.95

Available Reviews: 5

Avg. Rating (4.8 Stars) best rated

American Hawks Navigator HP-1030


  • Selective Notching Range
  • Automatic Ground Balance
  • Higher Sensitivity LCD Display
  • Water proof search coil
  • Four Operating Modes. Interchange among 4 operating modes DISC, ALL METAL, AUTO-NOTCH and NOTCH
  • Frequency: 6.5~6.7KHz. Static Current 35mA. Min. voltage 11.6V
  • Low Voltage indication 11.6~12.4V, 8.5" waterproof search coil
  • Sensitivity ALL METAL 10.3 inch. DISC 9.45 inch
  • Powered by two 9V batteries
  • Comes with headphone and carry bag
  • Can be used both in Motion or Non Motion mode


Great Detector

by Manny in Boston Ma - best

This detector is the bomb for this price range. Very good buy. One thing, I can't find the owner's manual for it anywhere.

Jul 28, 2011

This is no ""junior"" detector.

by Mike in Long Island, NY - good

The HP-1030 is an excellent detector. For its price, you will not find a better featured machine. I paid $179 and got a nice carry bag and premium headphones with mine. Detection depth is about 10" for a coin, which, in most cases, is more than you'll ever need. Most every place I detect, this unit discovers multiple targets stacked on top of each other or very close. The Surface Elimination feature is especially useful for that. This detector has been compared side by side to a Minelab Explorer II with comparable results in depth and accuracy, with less complication.

May 29, 2011

AH Navigator HP-1030 is Higher Than a Junior Detector

by Steven Johnson in Prince George, B.C Canada - best

I've just bought this unit. It's packed with functions, has LCD screen, and runs on 2 - 9 volt batteries. Being so light weight, it's a great gold/silver detector. Detection depth is very good. It lacks a detailed manual, but if you read it enough times, it starts to sink in. This unit is compareable to the Ace 250, but at a lower price. Great beginner-to-intermediate detector. I would put this unit higher than a Junior detector. Go out and have fun with it!

Feb 22, 2011

"Imports" Give the Big Names a Run for Their Money

by Piratejack in York, PA - best

After being so impressed with the ExplorerII, I decided to upgrade to the HP-1030. I now own both detectors, and they are easy to use and feature packed, offering much more than machines that cost hundreds more. It seems that buying these "imports" is widely discouraged in the forums, but if people would wake up they'd realize their Garretts, Whites, Tesoro, etc. all contain imported boards and parts. They are short sighted to buy based on brands alone. These detectors are fantastic in their discrimination abilites, depth detection as advertised, cutting edge features, and best of all... out the door pricing. You simply can't beat these machines for the price you pay. I'm all for supporting the American built products but the cut costs in marketing and branding these Chinese units is made up in the performance. Competition is a good thing. If more these detectors bought, the outrageous prices of the "US" models would drop. Try one of these detectors at least as a back up to your prized machine and you won't regret it.

Sep 08, 2010

A Nice Surprise

by Lester in rhode island - best

I picked one of these up for other people to use [along with me] when I hunt their properties. Lo and behold, they were finding more than me! I cannot find anything wrong with this detector - it does everything the mid-priced detectors do. If you are unsure about getting into this hobby [and what metal detector to buy], this will be the detector to start with.

Mar 07, 2010

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