Deluxe Garrett Panning System Reviews, Price and Specifications
Gold Pans & Accessories
Retail Price: $49.95
Avg. Rating
(5.0 Stars)

Comes With:
- Book "Gold Panning is Easy, 2nd Edition"
- Book "Find 1 oz. of Gold a Day"
- 14" Prospector Gold Pan
- 10" Piggy-Back Gold Pan
- 14" Classifier Pan
- 15" Super Sluice Gold Pan
- Gold Guzzler Bottle
- 19 CC Bottle with Cap
- Tweezers / Magnifying Glass combo
- Video Tape "Gold Panning is Easy"
- Great for the entire family
Gold Panning Made Easy
by Guest in south australia -
Awesome products, good prices and a great family starter kit. One problem: they retail for twice the amount in Australia, so we bought it off the amazon and paid half the price - thank you internet! Where would we be without you! (broke I'd say)
Feb 16, 2011
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