White's Prizm II Reviews, Price and Specifications

All-Purpose Land Metal Detector

Retail Price: $ 249.95

Available Reviews: 2

Avg. Rating (4.0 Stars) average total

White's Prizm II


  • Target I.D.
  • 5-Range Discrimination
  • Adjustable Sensitivity
  • PinPoint/All-Metal Mode
  • 8-inch waterproof search coil
  • Rugged, water resistant control box
  • Weight: 2.5 pounds, too
  • Low Battery Alert
  • Powered by 2 9-volt batteries


Good For the Price

by Mark in USA - three stars

I detected with a White's back in the 1970s but gave it up ...I was too busy. Now the kids are gone, and I have time. Knowing that everything is now electronic and digital, I wanted to see how much the detectors have improved. I didn't want to spend a lot. There is a huge jump in good machines and great machines.... about $600 - $1000 difference, so I bought the cheapest White's detector. In 4 months of metal detecting, I found $95.00 in change and a lot of cool stuff. I usually disc. out iron and foil. ID is right on. I don't like the pinpoint feature. It should double beep not hum continually... I just use a pinpointer. The detector always locates just what the icon says it would be, and is simple to use... turn-on and-go, no fiddling with programs. I'll use it till it breaks.

Mar 03, 2009


by BILL in ALABAMAE - best

(NOTE from the Webmaster: Sometimes I get a review like this one and I do not know whether to cry or lough about it. You will be the judge!) DIS IS DE BESTEST DETECCTORE OWET DEARE

Feb 04, 2009

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