Mini Sluice Reviews, Price and Specifications

Gold Washing Tool

Retail Price: $99.95

Available Reviews: 2

Avg. Rating (4.5 Stars) best rated

Mini Sluice


  • The most popular medium sized sluice is perfect for all around use.
  • Size: 36" x 10".
  • Weight: 5 lbs.


Keene Mini

by Jim in Newport news, Va - good

I too own the mini sluice. It does an excellent job. It holds gold,even the fine gold. It is built well and carries well, but it does need very good water flow.

Nov 13, 2008

Fine Instrument!

by Ben in Virginia, USA - best

This sluice has met my needs well! Sluicing in various creeks of viginia, it holds on to even the smallest flakes and fines. The wieght is good and the clean ups are quick.
Although, it does need good water flow to keep itself clean. In the summer it can be tough to have that flow in some medium and small creeks.

Apr 14, 2008

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