The Desert Fox Reviews, Price and Specifications

Automatic Gold Panner

Retail Price: $299.00

Available Reviews: 3

Avg. Rating (2.7 Stars) average total

The Desert Fox


  • Tailings Tray catches 5 pounds of tailings to minimize time lost in case of an operator's mistake.
  • Action Packer carrying case doubles as a water reservoir.
  • Bilge pump re-circulates 3 gallons of water so that the machine can be used in dry areas.
  • Can be removed from the Action Packer and used directly in a stream.
  • Dry Weight = 10 pounds
  • Stowed Size = 12" X 12" X 20"
  • Variable Speed Control
  • Powered by 12-Volt battery
  • 5-Year Warranty

How To Instructions:

  • Fill the tank with 3 gallons of water. Hook the clips to your 12-volt battery. Turn on the switch. The wheel starts to rotate and water sprays from the spray bar. Add a scoop of sand every 20 seconds.
  • The gold settles to the bottom and the seven spiral leads pick it up and elevate it to the center hub where it passes through the hallow shaft into a gold catch cup. It is simple and user-friendly.
  • The Aqua Jet spray tube keeps the sand in the wheel in suspension so that the gold drops out faster.


Desert Fox

by Richard in Tucson, Az - two stars

The unit is made of cheap plastic. The motor housing breaks easy. It's made of non UV plastic.
When I asked to get the replacment parts, they wanted to sell me another motor for $70.00 plus shipping. Do not buy one!!!

Sep 03, 2012


by Clark von Riesen in Melbourne,FL.,U.S.A. - one star

I just set one up, tried fast to slow speed, and also tried all water adjustments and angles +45 degrees and minus.
I got wheel to operate better and better but best results were 10 % gold recovery with 30% trash. The 90% of gold went in recovery tray which retained about 95% using Jet Dry. My flakes were 22K plus flat and moved with water movement.

May 29, 2012

Desert Fox

by JC in new mexico - best

It is probably the best recovery device ever made!

May 05, 2009

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