White's Goldmaster GMT Reviews, Price and Specifications

Gold Nugget/Prospecting Metal Detector

Retail Price: $799.95

Available Reviews: 2

Avg. Rating (5.0 Stars) best rated

White's Goldmaster GMT


  • Automatic Ground Balance with fast AutoTrac
  • The Grab pushpad (instantaneously sets the ground balance with just a touch of the pushpad in both Automatic and Manual modes)
  • Full-time Iron ID Bar Graph
  • Optional Audio Iron ID "Grunt"
  • Iron Target Analyzer
  • "Follow the Paystreak" (displays the amount of magnetic minerals in the ground)
  • Variable Self-Adjusting Threshold (VSAT)
  • Initial Control Settings (get you out hunting right away)
  • Slide-in "AA" Battery System with approx 40 hours of hunting (Optional Nicad Rechargeable System available.)
  • Elliptical "DD" search coil
  • 48 kHz operating frequency


Bad start ends very well

by Timothy in Rye Patch, NV - best

Swung this machine over 3 states for 2 years and never found gold. A friend, that sells another brand, used one of the biggest pieces of gold she had found and the GMT wouldn't detect it. She said the GMT was as good as her brand and advised me to send it in. Even out of warranty, White's fixed it for free and now it detects the small gold piece I have glued to a poker chip 2" away. Before, it wouldn't detect the poker chip gold even up against the standard coil or the Jimmy Sierra coil. The trigger switch broke off, and they sent me a new one at no cost too. You won't find too many companies in this day and age that has as good customer service! Thank you White's!

Jul 12, 2015

Amazing Gold Machine!

by Kenny Graham in Somewhere In California USA - best

The GMT will find very small gold easily. It will track black sand deposits as you swing to help you in pinpointing your dig for your dry washer.
Turn Vsat to 10 and your Gain up as high as it will go without falsing, and you will zero problems in hot ground. Vsat at higher levels identifys hot & cold rocks with a weird double boing... very obvious.
Watching the screen, to track black sand, has led me to pay streaks!. I have made a few bucks doing this.
Great machine and is worth its price! Anyone bad mouthing this detector is probably selling an over priced PI machine.

Apr 18, 2010

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