Shark Marine Seawolf 2 ROV Reviews, Price and Specifications
Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle
Retail Price (in Canadian Dollars): $119,000.00
Avg. Rating
(4.0 Stars)

- Vehicle Dimensions: 60" X 40" X 40"
- Vehicle Weight: 650 lbs
- Controller Dimensions: 22" x 21" X 9"
- Controller Weight: 45 lbs
- Hand Control Dimensions: 8" x 8" X 3"
- Hand Control Weight: 2 lbs.
- Hand Control Cable length: 25 Feet standard (longer optional)
- Neutral Umbilical Description: Neutrally Buoyant 1000 lb strength menber
- Neutral Umbilical Size: 0.8"
- Neutral Umbilical Length: 500 feet standard (up to 20,000 feet optional)
- Neutral Umbilical Weight: 110 lb per 500 feet
- Horizontal Thrusters: 2 - 2 HP standard (higher HP or quantity optional)
- Vertical Thrusters: 2 - 2 HP standard (higher HP or quantity optional)
- Lighting: 2 - 250 watt standard (additional optional)
- Camera: 10:1 zoom and .0003 lux standard (many other optional including 3D)
- On Screen Display: Time, Date, Heading, depth in feet and metres, turns, auto-settings, payout
- Scanning Sonar: Pre-wired for plug and play operation
- Depth Rating: 2000 feet standard (others optional)
- The Sea-Dragon ROV features a modular design for ease of maintenance and adding of additional equipment. The ROV is powered by 4 - 2HP thrusters, and has 500 watts of forward and 250 watts of rear lighting.
- The ROV can be equipped with multiple cameras for forward, rear, arm, 3D, and zoom options. The umbilical is of Fibre Optic design allowing for long cable lengths.
- Base SeaWolf 2 ROV including high-res colour camera with pan and tilt
- 500 foot umbilical, topside computer controller with ability to process additional PC based options, 10.6" daylight readable screen, built-in Hi-definition DV recording deck with 5" x 7" LCD, USB out, jpg / mpeg capture, wireless remote control, basic spares kit.
Options Price List (prices are in Canadian Dollars):
- Optional, Replace Colour Camera with Ultra low light B&W, .0003 lux. - $ 1,595
- Optional Dual Cameras, High Res. Colour And Ultra Low Light B&W - $ 2,235
- Optional Manipulator (dual function) - $ 5,000
- Comprehensive Spare parts kit - includes thruster driver - $ 6,300
- Spare thruster assembled and tested - $10,000
- Laser scaling unit (2 laser system) includes cabling and control - $2,765
- System shipping case for vehicle, cable, topside and spares - $1,695
- Additional 500 feet of umbilical for total of 1000 feet (3000' max) - $5,000
- Longer than 3000' requires video enhancement option - $1,900
- 1124 Cable reel, manual drive with SW slipring - $9,045
- 1124 Reel as above but with hp drive motor (other options available) - $12,050
- 852 mini-scanning sonar for ROV positioning - $7,025
- 881 Scanning sonar for target locating, measuring and positioning - $15,045
- P450 Multibeam Imaging Sonar, target locating, inspection - $26,255
- P900 Multibeam Imaging Sonar, target locating, detailed inspection - $29,395
- Pan / tilt mount for inspection sonars - $8,995
- DF1030 Sub-bottom profiler with mounting frame and flotation - $27,995
- Metal thickness gauge - 1600' rating - $6,995
- Sediment Core sampler unit - $27,450
- Many other sonars and sensors are available depending on customer application
- Training at our facilities in St. Catharines (2 days) $ N/C
- Training at customer facility (Varies with costs incurred)
Other options available include:
- Tracking systems - LBL, SBL, USBL
- Enhanced Thruster Package
- Deep diving option
- Digital still camera packages
- Hull scanning and security configuration
- Hitch mounted launch/retrieval system
- Custom designed features
Cheap as Chips!
by Monty Full in deep yorkshire laddy -
just bought one of these bad boys and took it on the back field. I found 20 pence, hair clip and a lighter. Not really what I had in mind. I think I will go back to the Garrett Ace. But this one makes a great foot rest under my computer desk, so, for that reason, I give this bad baby 4 stars.
Mar 10, 2011
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