XP GoldMaxx Power Reviews, Price and Specifications
Gold Nugget/Prospecting Metal Detector
Retail Price: $1,250.00 (£625.00)
Avg. Rating
(4.7 Stars)

- Operating at 18kHz
- Improved sensitivity settings
- Wireless Headphones
- 9" Carbon fibre coil and cover
- Versatile hipmount bag
- 3 Part shaft with twin collar locking system
- Microprocessor analysis of signals
- Multi tone discrimination in ALL METAL mode
- Volume control for low tone (iron volume)
- All metal: Motion mode
- Silencer switch: 3 positions to limit iron false signals
- Ground exlusion: adjustable
- Perfectly balanced
- Tough polypropylene arm cup
- Fibreglass lower stem
- Battery life Alkaline: 50 hours
- Weight: 1.55kg (3.4lbs)
- 2 Year Warranty
- To learn about the XP GoldMaxx Power's flaws in design, please read my article - Flawed Design of GoldMaxx Power.
Almost perfect machine
by Santos in Everywhere in( Portugal) -
First of all I have to say that for me, nothing in the world is perfect including me, however the GoldMaxxPower is the most complete and eficient machine I have ever operated.
I detect mainly medieval hamered coins in terrains infested with iron, and for that purpose, I have never seen a machine capable of beating the GMP. I have found hundreds of coins with it since I bought it last January.
I also search Roman areas, and I recently went to a site pounded by several other detectorists, and I found 23 Roman coins (including a denarius of Tiberius) in a day.
One more thing, I also have the 18x15 search coil (the biggest of all) and use it to search for large artifacts or caches of coins. I have found a Roman iron axe at 55cm depth, and a bronze age dagger at 60 cm depth.
The large coil detects average coins (denarius size) well, however, the signals are not as sharp for small items. I do not recomend to use this coil in infested areas, unless you are cache hunting and willing to dig all signals, or after you "hammered" the area very well with a standard coil.
Dec 11, 2012
Fantastic Concept, Poor Design!
by Sergei UpstateNY in Albany, NY USA -
In 2010, I purchased a legendary XP GoldMaxx Power (GMP) for my girlfriend Irina who wanted to treasure hunt with a light-weight, "turn-on-and-go", sensitive to small targets and simple-to-use metal detector that could be as efficient at the "hunted-out" sites as my multi-frequency detector. She wanted to find as many finds as I did during our joint outings.
Well, when I was ordering the GMP for Irina, I would not even imagine that she would "kick my butt" recovering more tiny hammered coins and artifacts with the GoldMaxx Power than I did with my E-Trac! Later, my mom, who loved metal detecting with the GMP as much as Irina, beat me in finds a few times too. I started taking the XP detector seriously when Irina found a few silver coins at the site where my E-Trac and my friend's X-Terra 705 could not "pick up" a single non-ferrous signal… To read the rest of my review, please visit this page:
http://metaldetectingworld.com/xp_goldmaxx_power.shtml (copy this link and paste it into your browser window).
Happy hunting!
Dec 10, 2012
It Finds Smallest Objects Also
by Wednesday Thomas in Not Submitted -
A great md that can find the smallest objects ever!
Sep 07, 2012
Great in Mineralized Soil
by Americo in Abruzzo, ITALY -
Gold MAxx, and its italian version named MITO, are performing great especially in heavy mineralized soil. I found very small and thin copper and silver coins buried very deep. Only problem - GM does not detect large corroded coins very well, probably because it is a high-frequency detector.
Jul 30, 2010
Excellent Detector!
by Nicholas in Tallinn, Estonia -
I have GoldMaxx Power, and it is an excellent machine. Dominating finds are little hammered coins, bigger silver and musket balls. It finds copper coins too, but not very much and not very deep. It goes very deep on small silver, lead and gold targets. What I like most about GMP, it detects gold chains and earrings of every size what my Minelab Safari did not do. Not very good on wet sand. Cordless headphones WS 1 must be, WS 3 adds too much bass and you don't hear small or deep targets. Use only XP headphones because other models don't work very well with this machine. You must practice a lot with this detector! Don't give up on it in first months of usage. I use the 11" search coil, but 9" coil is good too. The 11" coil just covers more ground and goes deeper, maybe 2cm; depending on target. I recommend this metal detector to the hammered coin shooters!
Feb 09, 2010
Goldmaxx Power
by Lee in Rochester, Kent UK -
This metal detector finds the tiny, thin and sectioned coins, has lightening recovery speed and has paid for itself over and over. However, it's not a machine that can be used on the beach - but inland, on ploughed soil, it's devastatingly effective!
Dec 31, 2009
XP GoldMax
by Marx in Estonia -
This machine beats all Minelabs in all conditions. It is especially designed for hammered coins.
Dec 03, 2009
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