OKM Cavefinder Reviews, Price and Specifications
Geo-Electronic Locator for Searching Caves
Retail Price: $2,910.00
Avg. Rating
(1.0 Stars)

- 12V power supply
- Depths of up to 18m
- Dimensions: approx. 170 x 200 x 65mm
- Weight: approx. 1500g
- Carrying case
- Charger for control unit
- Control unit
- 4 Electrode with cable ( 20m )
Doesn't Work
by Steve in NV USA -
I have a Cavefinder B, got unreliable results. Sent it back to Germany, and now the results are at least consistent but unknown how accurate. The Visualizer 3D program seems to be a $2500 waste of money! Always shows the same image no matter what was surveyed. Gives no useful information as to depth, size, configuration, etc., of voids. I haven't been able to verify the value of the Cavefinder yet, but the Visualizer program is a huge waste of money. I think I'd have better success with dowsing with a stick!
Apr 30, 2016
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