Treasure Baron TF 900 Automatic Reviews, Price and Specifications
2-Box Detector Metal Detector
Retail Price: $749.95
Avg. Rating
(4.0 Stars)

- Dual Frequency operating modes: 12.5 kHz and 73.5 kHz
- Built in speaker and 1/4 inch headphone jack
- Automatic LED Battery Test Light
- Handle mounted push button for easy "thumb-set" control
- Ground reject VLF circuitry and ground reject control
- Sensitivity control
- Factory preset electronic null circuitry
- Snap together all aluminum construction
- Tone adjustment control
- Two automatic tuning/pinpoint modes
- Durable baked-on powder coat finish
- Single 9-volt 6 cell "AA" battery pack
- 20-40 hour battery life
- Weighs only 6 pounds
- One Year warranty
Excellent Deep Cache Metal Detector
by Marc in Washington DC -
Mine worked very well, and I found what I was looking for! This is an excellent deep cache finder. Enjoy!
Aug 02, 2020
TF-900 review
by Jay J in ct usa -
I own this detector, having bought one about 4 years ago. Purchased it because it was cheaper than the 808, and Gemini 3. Well, I'm giving it 3 stars for right now, mostly because it is a very sensitive md to work with. However, having studied the manual a little more, and putting more time under my belt, I will say this 2-box is starting to surprise me with how accurate it is. Apparently quite a few hours is needed to get to know it and to get a feel for it. Don't all md companies say to spend time getting to know your detector? Very accurate pinpointing, as I am finding out. Be a bookworm and study and re-read your manual. Has a few features the 808 doesn't. Discovery has gone out of business, so I can't buy the opt cable tracing thing. Did I even need it? I bought some cheap foam pipe insulation and wrapped my TF with it, to protect it against brush, sticks, scratches, cause I want mine to stay new. But to anyone with one of these, I think that the more you use this, the better it will get, so I think my review will go to 5 stars eventually. And no, mine is not for sale...
Jul 13, 2013
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