Minelab Eureka Gold Reviews, Price and Specifications
Gold Nugget/Prospecting Metal Detector
Retail Price: $995.00
Avg. Rating
(3.8 Stars)

- Technology: Very Low Frequency (VLF)
- Configuration: 2 position shaft (optional Hip mount)
- Transmit Frequency: 3 Frequencies (6.4, 20 and 60 kHz)
- Ground Rejection: Accu-Trak Automatic Digital Ground Balancing
- Mains Charger: 110V (USA), 230V (EU), 240V (AUS)
- Metal Arm Rest, Neoprene Cover and Strap
- Detector Stand
- Headphones: 32 ohms
- Triple Frequency operation with switchable 6.4, 20 or 60 kHz
- "ACCU-TRAK" Digital Ground Balance w/ 2 speed adjustable or fixed mode
- Iron Rejection in each frequency
- Variable Discrimination Control
- Minelab's 10" Double D "easy-sweep" elliptical coil system
- State-of-the-Art NiMH rechargeable Battery System: 12V, 1000mAh
- 2-position box mounting system
- Weight: 2.6 lbs
- 2 years Warranty for Electronic Box
- 1 year Warranty for Coil
Detector man
by Dave Lupton in Queensland bu -
When l get a target, my detector wont turn off!
Feb 23, 2024
Eureka gold learning curve.
by Url Hunter in Las Vegas, Nv. USA. -
Bought it brand new in 2005 with my tax return. Found a lot of 22 casings and especially lead birdshots. My first naturally occurring surface gold was found with the Eureka Gold, because it was the first and only. I like the tuning aspect of the electronics. This machine has the ability to discriminate iron targets, three selection ground balance positions, adjustable sensitivity, adjustable audio tone. This is a very high feature piece of electronic equipment. Just like some people do not like the Keene 550 because it is a lot of work. If you get motivated and apply yourself, it is designed to work beyond your capability most of the time. The machine I currently own is used and abused. I once used it to fend off an angry Rattlesnake. Truth be told, I found one piece of very small gold, sub-gram. Lots of coins, rings, relics, trash and a few meteorites. This metal detector requires the user to understand the learning curve in tuning it. Then it yields greater finds. Thank you Very Much! Las Vegas, Nevada
May 02, 2020
Great Entry Level Detector If You Know What You Are Doing!
by Gold Ferret in North Queensland, Australia -
Those people who left negative reviews on this product do not have a clue how to get the best from these VLF Detectors. I have had some great success using this detector and I believe it all comes down to how you use them, even in mineralized ground using the ACCU-Track system in both slow and fast track modes. So I totally agree about running it in 6.4khz for the deeper gold, 20khz for general detecting, and on 60khz for the really fine pinhead sized gold alluvial gold which is where they really come into their own. These VLF detectors will find very small gold that even your best Minelab Pulse Induction detectors will miss. I really recommend the 6-inch Coil from Coiltek running at 60khz for this type of prospecting. Because of this, I use this detector now to find patches of heavy minerals like black sand magnetite, hematite and other iron oxides that also carries gold to run through my sluice, and very soon also dry washer that I am building. But I could also use this detector with the same coil to scan a strike zone or quartz outcrop for fine gold. So there is a much fairer and honest assessment of the Eureka Gold. Good luck! I think they are worth the money if you know how to put them to the right use.
Jun 04, 2018
Knowing correct set up!
by Greg in Australia -
Hello all, some say it is good, some say it is no good, who is correct? Now, lets look at it sensibly. You have 6 people in a row, and 3 say it is good, and 3 say its no good, what is the answer? I think that is obvious, if it is good for 3 and no good for the other 3, then the other 3 do not know how to use it! THAT IS THE SIMPLE ANSWER!
May 08, 2018
Paid for itself in one hour
by Jim Smitts in kingman arizona usa -
This detector paid for itself in one hour out at my claim. It is perfect for the Arizona deserts fine gold flakes yet easily finds the nuggets in Meadview AZ. Price is fair at $1049.
Don't get scammed with the dealers offering these at $899. There is something suspicious with these low prices...
Aug 23, 2016
Eureka Gold
by David in Portland Or. -
I owned two of these machines before I did an in-ground comparison with the Gold Bug 2 and the White's GMT. The Eureka didn't hold up against either one. Less depth and weaker signal. I now use the GMT and have done pretty well.
Jul 21, 2013
What A Waste of Money I Did With the Eureka Gold!
by Juan Jimenez in Ventura County, Southern Ca -
After reading so many negative reviews, I found what I was looking for; a fake review possible from a minelab dealer to justify buying a new Eureka Gold,
The Eureka gold is not a very deep detecting machine, you will have to switch it to the Boost Mode to go deeper and if you don't want to dig iron junk, you will have to use the discrimination. And the metal detector nulls a lot with a very slow recovery. It is a single tone detector and doesn't work good as a general use metal detector because it's very susceptible to electrical interference from power lines in the city that means a lot of false signals.
If you really want a Minelab detector that looks like the Eureka gold, buy the Minelab Sovereign GT with a huey 5 x 10 inch coil instead.
You will have a really good metal detector for prospecting, beach hunting in wet and dry sand, coin detecting, relic, etc.
I paid the $998 retail for mine and sold it 6 weeks later for $610, luckily I was able to buy a used Minelab Safari with that money.
If you are really think you need the Eureka Gold detector, buy a used one and save about $400.
May 19, 2011
They all Claim TOP PRODUCT, but who wins?!
by Jack Altenburg. in Kelowna , BC. CANADA -
You're looking for a machine that will go, say, 2 to 3 feet deep. Some units go 20 ft., others up to 80 ft. Big deal, no one goes treasure hunting with a dragline or backhoe behind him. Have you ever dug a target 6 or seven feet down? Would anyone allow you to dig that deep?
You need ladders, rope and draglines to get down to the bottom of your hole. Chances are you'll also get buried there. The machines cost $4,000 - $5,000 and up to $20,000 and $30,000. Are they nuts?! We're just metal detecting, not looking for underground Aliens. Try coming on the market with a product that goes as far as 3 feet, so a real prospector can use it in the gold field. Up to 80 ft. ones, WHO NEEDSS 'EM?!
Feb 26, 2011
Fantastic Machine
by Al Whitelock in wildwood British Columbia Canada -
I have owned the Eureka Gold for 2 years. It is by far the best VLF money can buy. I have used other gold detectors but none has come close.
If you have used this machine and were not amazed at its performance, then you used it wrong.
In All Metal mode, you will not find a deeper penetrating machine.
6.4khz for depth
20khz for general MDing
60khz for the small stuff.
Becuase of its depth capabilities, I use this machine at work searching lost forrestry equipment parts.
Sep 30, 2010
Not for Serious Prospectors!!!
by Nugget Hunter in Visiter to Zimbabwe. -
I sold my Eureka Gold for half of what I paid for it and I still feel that I overcharged the guy! My experience is as follows:
Depth - Nothing deeper than 4-5 inches on small nuggets.
Discrimination - A sin where I come from and apparently also where this mashine comes from! - NOT GOOD.
Hot Rocks - It WILL let you know if there are any in a square mile around you.
Success Rate - I found 0.17 grams and it took me only a week! My buddy found around 1.5 KILO's Using what?.. The Minelab GPX 4500!
If you are serious about finding nuggets - DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY... Get a Minelab GPX 4500 instead!
Feb 13, 2010
Very Dissapointing Performance
by Brian in California, USA -
After reading the manual and using all the settings, I find this detector to be marginally effective. If you are in the market for a good detector this is not it. This unit would not pick up gold that I had mined in a placer operation: I ran the gold across the coil and no response!!!! To say the least I am not happy with this unit. For the money I spent I could have bought a much better detector from some one else. Now I will have to start saving again to buy a real detector that functions correctly. Also my Eureka will not punch through hot rocks or mineralized soil which reduces its depth of detection. This machine really goes off on hot rocks and iron, and it treats all targets the same way - no tone ID. I bought minelab once but never again!!!
May 08, 2008
Over Priced
by Jim in Arizona, US -
It does not work as claimed, not even close. Get a Whites, Tesoro or Garret. Minelab Eureka Gold s**ks.
Apr 29, 2008
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