The Truth About Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting - All Info!
In-Depth Articles, Exclusive True Stories, How-To Tutorials, Metal Detector Reviews, Secrets and more - a Wealth of Information To Help You Find Treasures!
WELCOME to the unique website created by Sergei from Upstate New York - an experienced international treasure hunter who has been truly addicted to the Hobby of Metal Detecting and Treasure Hunting since 1993 and has been field-testing metal detectors and accessories provided by manufacturers in exchange for detailed test reports since 1998.

Introduction and Overview
by Sergei UpstateNY
last time modified: will help you learn how to do different types of treasure hunting research, how to pick out the most suitable metal detector for yourself and/or your family members, how to detect on land using common and unconventional search methods and techniques, and many more other "how-tos".
You will also learn so many metal detecting secrets and useful tips that you will certainly be inspired and excited to go out hunting for treasure as soon as possible. :)
Well, if you are reading this, you are most likely ready to experience new adventures and that priceless feeling of discovery!
Whether you are new to the hobby of metal detecting or an experienced metaldetectorist, you might enjoy reading my informative In-Depth Articles on search and recovery techniques, treasure hunting methods, some popular metal detectors and customized search programs for them, and exclusive true stories on treasure hunting in different parts of the world.
Many Benefits of This Wonderful Hobby of Metal Detecting
My purpose of creating and maintaining this website is not only to be an ambassador of this great outdoor hobby, but also to introduce public to the hobby's many beneficial aspects: active lifestyle, excitement of discovery, learning of history through research and traveling, developing one's discipline and a strong character, meeting new people and making good friends, traveling to new places, and, most important, learning about your Self.
Learn Basics+ of Metal Detecting from My Articles
If you are a newcomer to this hobby, please start with my guide - Detecting Secrets for Beginners - A Basic Guide To Successful Metal Detecting
This guide contains helpful info on selecting and buying a metal detector, types of metal detecting activities, program settings for metal detectors, basic equipment for successful treasure search, basic map research and other methods of acquiring a good leads, metal detecting techniques, places to metal detect, and more. The guide also includes a few helpful How-To tutorials.
For more tutorials, please refer to a separate section - Pactical Tutorials for Detectorists, and more guides are included in another section - Helpful Guides for Detectorists. For additional useful information related to metal detecting, you may want to check my Useful Tips directory.
My website also has a section dedicated to the World War II and includes not only articles on WW2 history but also some info on WW2 military relic hunting which has been as popular as coin shooting in many parts of the world.
Informative Sections on My Website
If you are looking for the right metal detector for yourself or your family member, or if you are just upgrading your treasure hunting equipment to the next level, visit My Metal Detectors section first. In this section, there are informative and useful articles about metal detectors that I used in the past and the ones I use now; the high-performing Fisher F75+ (made by First Texas Products) being one of them.
Coming up is my in-depth guide to the Fisher F75+'s functions, features and modes and their hidden amazing capabilities. Also included in this guide will be articles on how to prepare your F75+ for action, as well as lots of advice and over 150 practical tips! This guide will be part of my comprehensive write-up (I am working on it now) - a 'How-To' guide, that will provide step-by-step instructions on how to successfully search for coins/relics with the F75+ in hunt sites extremely infested with iron and in areas with moderate to low iron junk content. All instructions will include the detector settings necessary for the search conditions in question. This write-up will be available in PDF and e-Book formats.
My girlfriend (and my long-time metal detecting partner) uses the Teknetics T2+ metal detector. This is another amazing machine also made by First Texas Products, that is capable to outperform not only detectors of its class, but also the high-end units! In the upcoming winter, I will publish my explanatory guide to the Teknetics T2+'s features, functions and modes, as well as some of their remarkable capabilities not mentioned in the user manual. Also included in this guide will be articles on how to prepare your T2+ for action, as well as lots of advice and a zillion of practical tips!
This guide will be part of my all-inclusive 'How-To' guide that will provide step-by-step instructions on how to successfully search for coins/relics with the T2+ in hunt sites heavily contaminated with ferrous trash and in areas with moderate to low iron junk content. All instructions will include the detector settings necessary for the search conditions in question. This write-up will be available in PDF and e-Book formats.
If you are not sure which metal detector to buy, first visit my detailed guide - Guide To Metal Detecting Activities
This guide will help you choose the right "detector de metal" for your metal detecting tasks. Then read my article - How To Select and Purchase A Metal Detector
And then check out a huge section - Metal Detector Reviews Worldwide
This section will provide you with helpful information - detector reviews and ratings, specifications, features, prices, and images of all metal detectors and some essential treasure hunting accessories and tools that are available on the market today!
Search Coils 101
- this article contains basic info about search coils: their types and designs, coil sizes and their applications, advantages and disadvantages, target pinpointing techniques and useful tips.
A Complete Guide To Metal Detecting Research
- this guide will help you master the most important part of the hobby and enable you to determine and locate potential treasure hunting sites in your area. There are many forms of research to choose from, and my guide will introduce you to the basic ones, with more focus given to map research and footwork.
Cleaning and Preservation of Coins
- this guide is to help treasure hunters, collectors and everybody else with useful info on cleaning coins and non-ferrous relics which have been found either in the ground or inside an old house, barn, shed, etc.
For cleaning ferrous relics and artifacts by electrolysis, please visit my tutorial - Removing Rust from Iron Artifacts
In the US Coins section of Numismatic Corner, you will find basic numismatic information on the US coins, Spanish Silver Reales, US Tokens 1833-1900 and Canada Bank Tokens.
PDF Copies of My Articles, Tutorials and Guides
In response to wishes of many visitors who would like to have PDF copies of my articles, I decided to create PDF files of the most informative and voluminous write-ups and make them available for reasonable prices. I will also create a special page listing all PDFs and their short descriptions as well as descriptions of my e-books which I am planning to publish soon.
The PDF copies will contain additional volumes of essential and important information that is not present on my web pages. And my e-books will cover a few subjects, in particular, secret search methods and techniques which not only can greatly increase your find-rates, but also can make you so addicted to metal detecting that no doctor will help. (this falls into the category of "be careful what you wish for"... :))
Have Fun and Excitement Through My Detailed Treasure Hunting Stories
You can learn a lot about cache hunting, coin shooting and relic hunting just from my treasure hunting stories in sections: Metal detecting in USA, Eastern Europe, and UK. A full list of my stories is given in this link-directory: My Metal Detecting Stories
My new articles and tutorials related to metal detecting, metal detectors and accessories are announced on the "Visitors' Corner" page - Recent Additions
This page was created to help visitors easily access my newly added pages. I also announce them on my Twitter page. If you would like to follow me on Twitter (my username is metal_detect), please use a button located at the bottom of this page.
My Best Finds section contains a few short stories on some of my cool treasure hunting finds made in different parts of the world before 2009. Some of my uncommon finds that have been made after 2009 are shown in my recent articles, tutorials and stories.
How To Find Content within My Website
Since contains a lot of detailed information - over 1000 textual pages, the fastest way to locate any specific article, story, tutorial, guide or topic is to use a search engine embedded into my website. This search engine is set to only search for information within To locate content you are looking for, simply type any term or phrase related to metal detecting in the Search Box. For your convinience, the 'Search Content' button linked to the search box is also available in the top menu.
My Photo Galleries of Finds +
You will find thematic photo galleries of different categories including 'US Silver Coins', 'US Copper Coins', 'Revolutionary War Buttons and Relics', 'Buttons and Relics of 1812 War', 'US Civil War Marked Military Buttons and Relics', 'World Coins 1600-1900', 'Russian Hammered Coins, etc. on this page: Metal Detecting Finds
And the off-topic photo galleries are listed in Photo Galleries Directory
These photo galleries contain many photographs taken during my metal detecting trips in the US and abroad.
Also check out Best Finds of TH'ers Worldwide
This section contains pages with images of the best finds made by general detectorists, coin shooters, relic hunters and beach hunters who submitted their photos and short stories to me.
Share Your Metal Detecting Experiences
I encourage all hobby enthusiasts to submit pictures of their best metal detecting finds that can be shown in this section: Other Treasure Hunters' Finds
If you have your own story (whether you have found a treasure chest or discovered a few valuable coins) and would like it to be posted with photographs on my website, you are more than welcome to submit your information (please use my Contact page). Field-test reports for any metal detector are welcomed as well!
Testimonials: What People Say About My Website Project
Here are a few comments out of many that I have received from my website visitors in recent years:
Valuable Website!
from Jorens Z. in Lithuania, on
"Dear Sergei,
I have been using Minelab detectors for over a decade. I started with E-Trac and then switched to CTX3030. I must admit that I was running my CTX3030 at "maxed out" settings (Sensitivity and Volume Gain) all the time. I thought I was a pro, but after reading your articles on CTX3030, I realized how unprofessional I was. I started implementing your advice and techniques last year, and the results were incredible. I found 3 tiny hammereds in one day on a site that I thought was hunted out by myself for at least 4 seasons. I had not found one before in 10 years of detecting. I also found more than 20 different kinds of small Schillings/Solidus that I had missed (I found just a couple of those at the same site in 4 seasons). These tiny non-ferrous signals just popped right at me from the iron like never before. I think there are many more goodies hiding among iron (have to move very slow). Now I am thinking of investing in Multi-Frequency to achieve much greater target separation and reactivity because I have many more iron infested "hunted out" sites.
Thank you for your efforts in setting up and maintaining this valuable site!
Best regards,
Well Done!
from Dennis W. in Texas, USA, on
"Hi Sergei,
I have been on your website for years, and I absolutely believe it is the finest metal detecting site on the net in terms of the information you provide. Well done!
Amazing Information Never Seen Before!
from Goran P. in Australia, on
"Hi Sergei!
You have amazing, top notch information on your website that I have never seen before. I am a new starter in this hobby and your info will get me started very soon.
Blown Away by Your Website!
from Michael K. in Texas, USA, on
"Hello Sergei!
My interest in metal detecting waned when, back in 1986, I moved back stateside from a 3.5 year Army tour of duty in Stuttgart. I did quite a bit of detecting on Franco-Prussian War battle sites, back in the day, using a Nautilus DMC-2, finding a wide variety of battlefield relics dating well before and or after 1870. Would it be appropriate to mention that I really do not like finding antitank mines and hand-grenades?
But back to the present, when I recently discovered your website, I was instantly "blown away" by the breadth and detail of MD-related tips and topics you shared. It became very obvious to me that you are a knowledgeable, experienced, a sharing person with a strong ability to communicate.
Your site content has rekindled my MD interest, specifically, your compelling and informative MD stories and pics. While I no longer have the Nautilus, I am considering a new multi-frequency technology metal detector like the Minelab Manticore, Nokta The Legend or XP Deus 2.
Your articles on how to avoid bogus sites, tests, etc. will, in part, steer me to one of the above machines, or possibly another, yet to be identified and/or evaluated. While there are seemingly "zillions" of YouTube "experts" out there, the vast majority of them have undisclosed, yet obvious, sponsorships, affiliate relationships, or both. Some are subtle, others blatantly obvious. Your article on this very topic has thus far helped me to determine who is full of BS from those trying to "carve out" their niche. Many times, it seems that many YouTube "hosts" just like to hear themselves talk.
Your website is the best I have seen on this hobby! Very impressive knowledge database. I wish you well and thank you for your time and effort! Best regards, Mike."
Your Website Content is Amazing!
from Raymond T. in New York, USA, on
"Hello Sergei,
Just re-reading your section on the Deus Settings explained and again it's a really good piece of work. Your content is amazing and got me to finally pull the trigger and purchase the XP Deus. Your site is a fantastic resource and I'm still working my way through reading just about everything on you site. I appreciate all the time and effort you've put into the site and I really enjoy it. Thank you!!!"
Impressed by Your Technical Expertise and Extensive Field Experience
from Glen K. in Connecticut, USA, on
"Hello Sergei,
I wish to thank you for the many informative articles you have provided on your website. I was impressed by both your technical expertise and extensive field experience. I am currently in the process of deciding on which metal detector to purchase and I value your opinion. Today, as a show of my appreciation, I have made a donation of $100.00 to your account. Consider this a well deserved and unconditional donation.
I started reading your articles in 2015 and based on your writings, I was planning on buying an XP Deus at that time. My purchase was put on hold due to a significant back injury and subsequent back fusion. I believe I have now recovered sufficiently to purchase a high end detector but based on your most recent articles I now intend to stay away from the XP Deus.
Your recent endorsement of the Fisher F75+ intrigues me but I have a number of questions. I am also considering a Minelab CTX 3030...or perhaps something else?
I am primarily interested in coin hunting. My first metal detector was purchased when I was a high school freshman in 1972 while living in the lower Ulster County region (Marlboro, NY) Regrettably, I have not been involved in the hobby since graduating from college in 1980 but I am anxious to resume the hunt. I currently live in CT.
Not surprisingly, I am reluctant to rely exclusively upon the advise of those posting on the various forums or YouTube nor do I entirely trust the opinion of those those who sell the units online. I am looking for an informed and unbiased opinion.
I was hoping you would soon release your article on the Fisher F75+ but in lieu of that perhaps you would consider contacting me for a one-on-one telephone consultation. Of course, I would be more than happy to make another donation to compensate you for your time.
My work hours are long lately as we are doing our part battling the Covid-19 virus in a hospital setting. Consequently, it is difficult for me to take phone calls while at work. If you are interested in speaking with me, please let me know by email and we can hopefully find a mutually convenient time to speak. FYI: I am available this coming weekend.
I look forward to hearing from you.Thank you!"
I Am Blown Away!
from Todd B. in Georgetown, Ohio, USA, on
"Hi Sergei!
Hope you’re doing well and avoiding the rampant Corona virus in your state. Every time I visit your site I’m "blown away" by the shear volume of materials you have created! You must be wearing out computer keyboards and your typing fingers too!Best Regards!"
Excellent Website!
from William R. in Wiltshire, England, on
"Hello Sergei,
I stumbled on you website two days ago, while desperately searching for a good technical article about ground balancing. What an excellent website you have created! I am very grateful, so I have just made a small donation, which I hope will help. I’ll keep reading your excellent articles for my continued education.
Thank you so much!"
Great Work!
from Jens in Munich, Germany, on
"Hi Sergei,
I searched the web for a really useful Deus guide and came across your fantastic site. Your Deus guide is what I've been looking for and much much more. Extremely well explained with in depth information I found nowhere else yet. You honestly should consider writing a book. Really! By now I've already spent several hours on your site with many more to come. Continue your great work!"
Great Website Packed with Knowledge!
from Jay Evans in New York, USA, on
"Hello Sergei,
I wanted to thank you for your great website packed with your knowledge about detecting, (Mainly about the CTX3030) With your help and knowledge I’ve written several search modes and loaded them in my machine and now I can’t wait to try this awesome machine out! Just wanted to thank you for putting all your insight online for everyone to read and inspire more to get out and enjoy our great hobby! Thanks again!"
Helpful and Motivating!
from Judith K. in Georgia, USA, on
"Hello Sergei,
First I just want to say thank you for your website. It is very interesting to read! I recently bought a Tesoro Silver µMax and have started learning how to detect. Great fun! Reading your stories and your tips on metal detecting is very helpful and motivating. I have learned a lot from your site."
Great Website!
from Jukka А. in Palokka, Finland, on
"Dear Sergei,
I found your great Internet site about metal detecting a few weeks ago. I have learnt a lot from it, and my learning is still going on, thank you very much!"
Wonderful Job!
from Patrick M. in Emmen, Netherlands, on
"Hello Sergei,
I have learned a lot and enjoyed every minute I was on your website and I was there a lot believe me. Your enthusiasm and honesty is contagious, and lots of articles show your passion about this hobby. I truly love it when people have passion for what they do, stand for or believe in. I also use the Explorer 2 on a regular basis together with my Vaquero and CZ-20 - they are those detectors which will probably never leave my side. :) Yes, all of them are "oldies" but I don't really care. I let all those people with there beautiful and flashy Deus detectors and many other flashy brands be in peace, and hope they find just as much treasures as myself. Or trash as we often do too (laughing). You put so much effort into your website and it shows. All those pictures and all those stories, it is just perfect. I want to thank you for all your work and all your shared experiences. All your time spent in the field makes it very believable and very interesting. Thanks again Sergei! You did, and still doing a wonderful job."
Wonderful Website!
from Hugh H. in Canandaigua, New York, USA, on
"Dear Sergei,
Thank you for such a wonderful site! I am saving for a metal detector, and find that your site is the most comprehensive and useful site of all on the web. Your site was referenced as a useful link on another site, and I’m so glad that I clicked on it!"
Superb Website!
from Robert C. in New South Wales (Australia) on
"Hello Sergei,
I read quite a few pages on your superb website and WOW! It's been put together beautifully. I'm very new to detecting but have the confidence now to get out there and find interesting things, and have lots of fun in the Australian bush in New South Wales. Thank you most kindly for your website!"
What a great site you've got!
from James S. in Pennsylvania (USA) on
"Hi Sergei,
Just had to tell you what a great site you've got! Comprehensive and in-depth. I can't imagine how you manage doing that along with your hunting and your normal career. And all free too! I've seen some sites who are trying to sell the same information (i.e. "Inside secrets of the professionals, Secrets they don't want you to know") and I would seriously doubt they would come close to what you are offering. I'm only about 3 months into this hobby and am of course just beginning to learn (Garrett ACE 250) but I've printed out several sections from your site for study. I'm sure they'll give my hunting efforts a great boost. One question out of curiosity, do you still feel the Minelab E-trac is your best overall detector? - [No, not any longer. It is XP Deus now. - S.]
Your website makes a huge difference!
from Peter S. (USA) on
"Hey Sergie! Your website makes a huge difference! After I have browsed the web and visited many websites on metal detecting, I gotta tell you, I think your website is a valuable "keeper" in this "webfield" that is full of junk - websites that fill up their pages with multiple keywords but do not give any useful or in-depth information! They claim to be the most resourceful while posting a bunch of empty links and no photos of real finds! To me, it was upsetting to realize that there were no real treasure hunters behind those pages. Visiting your web page was like a breath of fresh air because you are a true treasure hunter and have done a great job sharing your experience and knowledge, inspiring others, and telling the truth! Thank you so much!!! You are the Man!"
Thanks for the useful tips!
from Adrian B. (UK) on
"Hi Sergei,
Your website is fantastic! It has inspired me to really start metal detecting more. I have always been fascinated.
The story of your silver coin hoard [the story is temporarily unavailable - S.] was about the most amazing thing I have ever read, my eyes nearly popped out of my head when I saw all the pictures, it must have been AMAZING :) Congratulations! You deserve that success because of the hard work.
Thanks for the useful tips on the website they are excellent to the beginner like me.
Best Regards!"
Thank you for the best website!
from Brian J. (USA) on
"Hi Serge! I have to thank you for the best website I have seen on this hobby. I wish there were more sites like yours! Your idea on using old postcards gave me the information on the band stand in a park closed in the late 1800's. It is a small island, and I'm gonna search it in the spring when the weeds are down low.
Thanks again!"
You have done an outstanding job!
from Paul D. (USA) on
"Hi Sergie,
I went out today and found a 1944 wheat penny (whoopee) but it's a find. I would love to make it down to Poland, visit Auschwitz and a few other places.
My wife saw your website and said, "what does he do for a living?" I said, "Does it matter? He sure is having fun." She was impressed too on the detail and how it all went together. You have done an outstanding job so keep up the great work.
I really loved reading about the "_ _ _" [here I had to omit the abbreviation of the WW2 military organization - S.] Isn't it interesting how so much evil can keep going after all those years? I haven't read everything on your site but I believe it's one of the best out there. Hope to have it all read soon, love the history part.
Glad you enjoyed the pictures hope to send you some of my finds soon. I will be planning and saving for the big trip next year.
Keep up the great website and good hunting!"
Author Info
Please Be Patient!
By now it has taken me a long while to write a new code for my webpages in order to make them mobile and user friendly. Currently I have only a few major pages reformatted, and it is going to take me a long time to reconstruct a huge load of almost 5,000 pages. If you are currently visiting my website via a mobile device, please do not get irritated when a clicked link takes you from a responsive page to a static, unresponsive and scrollable page with large images. Please be patient while I am trying to finish a huge task. Thank you for your understanding!
If for some reason you dislike my website or even hate it, at least take a look at this nice Russian lady Victoria in NYC!
Happy Hunting!